- basic food ration 基本食品定量, 基本粮食定量
- Wartime austerities included food rationing and shortage of fuel. 战时的艰苦包括食物配给和燃料短缺。
- Expert advice on the appropriate food ration is essential and should take full account of local availability. 关于适当的食品配给方案,专家的意见至关重要。这些意见也应充分考虑该食品在当地的可获取程度。
- The soaring cost of rice and other basic food in Asia has raised security concerns across many Asian countries. 大米和其他基本食品价格的飙升在很多亚洲国家都引发了安全上的关注。
- Nevertheless the resort does not have full fledge restaurant but more of a mini kitchen serving basic food. 由于我们是素食主义者,他们都跑出来看我们准备的食物。
- There may be a period of food rationing this winter. 今年冬天可能定量配给食物。
- Fish, cereal, yogurt and other basic food can be very healthy, until it is corrupted in the hands of food manufacturers. 鱼、物、奶等人类主食都是非常健康的食品,但它们却逐渐毁在了食品生产商的手里。
- Food rationing was abolished in that country long ago. 那个国家早就取消了粮食配给制。
- Little light penetrates this zone and thus the inhabitants are all heterotrophic, depending on the littoral and sublittoral organisms for basic food materials. 透过此区域的光很少,因此栖息生物都不是自养的,主要以浅海的和远浅海的生物作为基本食物来源。
- Food rationing was very common during the 1940s in Europe. 在1940年代的欧洲,食物配给是非常普遍的事。
- Since bread is a basic food of most people, superstition says that it is wrong to throw away unwanted bread. Those who do will go hungry. 由于面包是大多数人的主要食物,迷信观念认为扔掉不要了的面包是错误的。谁如果这样做了,就要挨饿。
- Cuba has already begun dismantling its system of state gratuities and subsidised goods and services, including help with energy bills, the meals at work and the world's longest-standing food ration. 古巴已开始着手取消政府津贴和补贴商品及服务制度,包括能源费用补贴、工作餐以及全球存续时间最长的食品配给制度。
- Any breakdown in the food distribution system could mean the majority of the population will suffer shortages of basic food supplies. 食品分发系统的崩溃可能意味着,大多数人口将会遭受基本食物短缺的痛苦。
- They almost all benthic, with the slow replacement of the tooth plate, a basic food for Shelled fresh, with tooth-grinding. 它们几乎全是底栖的,具有替换缓慢的齿板,基本以带壳食物为食,用齿板研磨。
- "Mr.Redmond says it only is possible to provide these people with basic assistance, such as water, some food rations and medical screening. R先生说目前只能给难民们提供一些基本的援助,例如水、定量食品和医疗纱布。
- Own property almost every Chinese pursuit of the basic food and clothing problems resolved, the demand for housing on the salience. 拥有自己的物业几乎是每一个中国人的追求,在吃穿问题得到基本解决之后,对住房的需求就凸现出来。
- People Bought in stocks of tinned goods in anticipation of food rationing. 人们预计食品将定量供应所以买进大量罐头食品。
- Israel says the humanitarian recess will enable about 80 trucks carrying medicine, medical supplies, basic food and fuel to pass into Gaza via the Kerem Shalom crossing. 以色列说,人道主义休战可以让大约80辆运送药品、医疗物资、基本食品和燃料的卡车经由凯雷姆-沙洛姆过境点进入加沙.
- The aim was to encourage a public rethink on subsidies and food rationing. 其目的是鼓励民众重新思考补贴和食品配给制度。
- The latest official figures show inflation running at about 16 percent but economists say official figures underplay what Iranians pay for basic food in shops . 最新的官方数据显示,通货膨胀率约达16%25,不过经济学家说官方数字蓄意低估人民实际购买基本粮食的金额。