- base station testing 基站测试
- base station test 基站测试
- Base Station Destroy all enemies to advance! 消灭所有敌人过关。
- Enter the base station password if necessary. 如有必要,请输入基站密码。
- Too far away from the nearest base station. 因为距离最近的基站太远了。
- It utilises the LED flash unit of the regular base station. 照相机使用普通底座的LED闪光灯。
- Interpreted presentation of base station fault and alarm status. 翻译基站故障和告警状态的表示。
- Remove an RCS to take the RCS and attached base station out of service. 退出某个 RCS 以使该 RCS 及附加的基站退出服务。
- Nearby base stations using adjacent channels. 使用相近频道的相邻基站。
- Plug the hard disk into the USB port on the back of the base station. 将硬盘插入到基站背面上的USB端口。
- LEMP is a very important factor of EMI for the Base station of WLAN. 雷击电磁脉冲(LEMP)是远程无线局域网基站的重要电磁干扰(EMI)因素。
- NCO is an important part in software radio transceiver of CDMA base station. 数控振荡器 (NCO)在 CDMA基站的软件无线电收发机中 ,起着非常重要的作用。
- The sectored array antenna is applied to the base station of TD SCDMA. 该天线阵列用于TD SCDMA基站系统中。
- Test messages sent from the AP out to the network that are looped back manually from any segment between the AP and the base station or CDM are checked for corruption and timing when they are received back at the AP. AP 和基站或 CDM 之间的任意段会手工地回送这些从 AP 向网络发出的消息,而 AP 则会在收到回送消息时进行冲突检查和计时。
- The microbrowser on the wireless device sends a request to the wireless network base station. 无线设备上的小型浏览器向无线网络基站发送一个请求。
- Based on what Ihave mentioned above, The Wuhan University of Technology and HubeiZhongyou Company empolder the Mobile Station Test Set which support all therelated protocol of GSM900. 鉴于以上情况,武汉理工大学和湖北众友公司联合开发了支持GSM900/DCSl800协议的GSM移动电话综合测试仪。
- The request is sent from the base station over the wireless network using the Wireless Transport Protocol (WTP). 基站发出请求,使用无线传输协议(WTP) 在无线网络中传输。
- So far, support IGS global observation network base station from the beginning ... the daily orbit documents SP3 format, the weekly test station to adopt a common position paper of SINEX format. 直至目前为止;支持IGS的全球网观测基准站从开始的...每日轨道文件采用SP3格式;每周测站位置文件采用通用的SINEX格式。
- The Remove button is used to disconnect all attached base station sites from the MSC. Remove 按钮用来从 MSC 断开所有附加的基站。
- If you try to remove a DS0 for which the end point connection_ base station or CDM_is in service,the remove fails. 如果试图要使某个端点连接--基站或 CDM--处于服务中的 DS0 退出服务,则退出服务失败。