- basal bile flow 基础胆汁流
- Jaundice is a yellowing of the eyes and skin caused by impairment in bile flow from the liver to the intestine. 黄疸是由于胆汁从肝脏流入肠道受阻所导致的眼和皮肤黄染。
- The amount of bile flow after perfusion for 2 h was markedly higher in CMU-1 group than in UW group. 再灌注 12 0min后CMU 1组的肝脏分泌胆汁量较UW组多 (P <0 0 5 )。
- Impaired bile flow, or cholestasis, commonly known as jaundice, can lead to severe liver disease. 胆汁流出障碍、胆汁淤积,通常叫做黄疸,可导致严重的肝脏疾病。
- Results may significantly prote rat bile flow volume、direct bilrubin、 total bilrubin. 并能明显增加大鼠胆汁中总胆红素、直接胆红素含量。
- Impaired bile flow, or cholestasis, commonly known as jaundice, can lead to seere lier disease. 胆汁引流受阻,或胆汁郁积,也就是我们常说的黄疸会导致十分严重的肝病。
- However, CMU-1 solution shows some advantages over UW solution in preserving liver energy metabolism, preventing intracellular acidosis and bile flow. 结论 CMU 1保存液保存大鼠肝脏效果与UW液相似 ,在改善保存肝脏能量代谢、预防细胞内酸中毒、胆汁分泌方面略优于UW液。
- Methods: We determined the gallbladder contractibility, the bile flow volume and the tensity of Oddis sphincte of rabbit. 方法:测定家兔胆囊内压、胆汁流量、胆道括约肌紧张度。
- Bilirubin may be overproduced or inadequately removed by the liver or leak into the Bloodstream after removal; jaundice may also be due to impaired Bile flow. 胆红素可能因肝脏分泌过多或未能完全清除,或清除后又大量反流入血(回流性黄疸),或直接从受损的胆管反流入血(阻塞性黄疸)。
- Cyclosporine has been implicated in the development of biliary calculi after liver transplantation by causing direct inhibition of bile acid production and bile flow as demonstrated in animals. 环孢素能直接抑制胆汁酸生成和胆汁流动,因此证实了肝移植术后胆结石的发展与环孢素有一定的关系。
- The secretion of bile is useful for our bodies. 胆汁的分泌对我们的身体很有用处。
- Keywords Traumatic stress;Bile flow;CCK;GAS;Secretin; 应激;胆汁流量;胆囊收缩素;胃泌素;促胰液素;
- A free flow of water came from the pipe. 水从管道里通畅地流了出来。
- Effect of Traumatic Stress on Bile Flow of Rabbits and Hormone in Plasma 创伤应激对兔胆汁流量及血浆胃肠激素含量的影响
- In convection, hot currents flow upwards. 在对流中热气流向上运动。
- After several pumps, the water began to flow. 用泵抽了几下之后,水流出来了。
- Effect of traumatic stress on bile flow and hormone in plasma of rabbits 创伤应激对兔胆汁流量及胃肠激素的影响
- The effect of basal medium was modified MS> QL>WPM. 基本培养基的效果依次为改良MS> QL >WPM。
- Basal principles of energy metabolism measurement. 能量代谢测定的基本原理。
- A flow of word is no proof of wisdom. 口若悬河,未必明智。