- Could I do a barter trade with you? 能够和您做一次易物交易吗?
- Will we be able to conduct a barter trade? 咱们能不能搞一笔以货易货的贸易呢?
- Is it yet a direct barter trade? 这还算是一种直接的易货商贸吗?
- It is still a direct barter trade? 这还算是一种直接的易货贸易吗?
- Is it still a direct barter trade? 这还算是一种直接的易货贸易吗?
- After a long discussion we've come to an agreement on barter trade. 经过长时间的讨论,我们已在易货贸易方面达成了协议。
- If you agree to our proposal of a barter trade, we'll... 这还算是一种直接的易货贸易吗?
- Can we do a barter trade? 咱们能不能做一笔易货贸易呢?
- This contract is for barter trade, i.e. Beggar export of furniture against chinese export of chinaware. 本合同是易货合同,即贝尔格莱德用出口家具换中国的出口瓷器。
- Do you still remember the feeling when your first barter trade agreement was reached? 还记得第一次易物成功时候的心情吗?兴奋!兴奋!!还是兴奋!!!
- To abolish the examination and approval items concerning "down payment and subordinating expenditures under border barter trade". 取消“边境易货项下支付定金或贸易从属费”的审批项目。
- If you agree to our proposal of a barter trade,we will give you chemical fertilizer in exchange for your wheat. 如果你方同意易货贸易的建议,我主将用化肥与你方交换小麦。
- If you agree to our proposal of a barter trade,we'll give you paper in exchange for your timber. 如果你方同意我们进行易货贸易的建议,我们将用纸与你们交换木材。
- The compensation by product counter-purchase will be made by other product,which is actually a form of barter trade. 用“产品反购”得到的补偿将以购买其他产品来体现,这实际上是一种易货贸易。
- Let me contact them right now. I'll ask them to consider our proposition of barter trade. 桂: 我马上就同他们联系,让他们考虑一下易货贸易的做法。
- This contract is for barter trade,i.e. Beggar export of furniture against chinese export of chinaware. 本合同是易货合同,即贝尔格莱德用出口家具换中国的出口瓷器。
- The compensation by product counter- purchase will be made by other product, which is actually a form of barter trade. 用“产品反购”得到的补偿将以购买其他产品来体现,这实际上是一种易货贸易。
- If you agree to our barter trade proposal, we will give you chemical fertilizer in exchange for your wheat. 如果贵方同意易货贸易的建议,我方将用化肥与贵方交换小麦。
- If you agree to our proposal of a barter trade, we will give you chemical fertilizer in exchange for your wheat. 如果你方同意易货贸易的建议,我主将用化肥与你方交换小麦。
- Shall we first sign a barter trade agreement stipulating the general terms and conditions? 我们先签一个易货贸易协议,规定一般性条款,行吗?