- If he says that again I'll kill him with my bare hands! 要是他再说一遍,我会赤手空拳打死他。
- In the uprising the serfs fought with bare hands against gunfire. 在暴动中,农奴们以赤手空拳对付钢枪铁炮。
- Don't touch that cold metal with bare hands, or your skin will stick to it. 不要用手直接摸那块冰冷的金属,否则会沾掉你手上的皮。
- He could bend horse- shoes with his bare hands. 他可以徒手将马蹄铁折弯。
- They attacked him with their bare hands. 他们赤手空拳地攻击他。
- He throttled the guard with his bare hands. 他徒手掐死了卫兵。
- He tore at the meat with his bare hands. 他只凭两只手就把肉撕碎了。
- Ichigo catches grims attack with his bare hands. 一护空手接住了小葛的攻击。
- He fights the robbers with bare hands. 他赤手空拳同强盗搏斗。
- He fought the enemy with bare hands. 他赤手空拳与敌人肉搏。
- You gonna take a bullet out with your bare hands? 你要用手把子弹拿出来?
- Did you touch it with your bare hands? 你直接用手去碰它了吗?
- She pulled the fence to pieces with her bare hands. 她用双手把篱笆拆了下来。
- I killed him with my bare hands. 我是赤手空拳打死他的。
- PUPU can split the atom with his bare hands. 噗噗可以徒手劈开原子。
- They attacked him with their bare hands. 他们赤手空拳地攻击他。
- Do not touch blade with bare hand. 请勿徒手碰触刀片。
- He swore that if ever he caught the fellow that had trampled down his saplings, he would strangle him with his bare hands. 他发誓说要是他逮到踩倒他树苗的人,他就要赤手空拳地把那人掐死。
- The strongest man (that) you can think of cannot tear the log apart with bare hands. 就连你所能想到的最壮的人也不能光用手就将木头撕裂。
- The famous boxer killed a fierce wolf with his bare hands. 那位著名的拳击师赤手空拳打死了一头凶猛的恶狼。