- barbitone spidle 巴比妥梭形波
- What does benzene barbitone treat? 苯巴比妥治疗什么?
- Benzene barbitone has side effect, so general need not. 苯巴比妥有副作用,所以一般不用。
- The action of benzene barbitone and influence, matter with drug taking? 苯巴比妥的作用与影响,跟吸毒有关系吗?
- The action of benzene barbitone and influence, matter with whitening? Is dosage too big how? 苯巴比妥的作用与影响,跟白粉有关系吗?用量过大又怎样?
- Be like barbitone with other remedy kind, WineKind operable when, cause severe toxic reaction more easily. 与其他药物如巴比妥类、酒类合用时,更易引起严重的中毒反应。
- Relier takes the medicaments of short time action mostly, be like fast but barbitone of Mian, amytal, the fifth of the ten Heavenly Stem. 依赖者大都服用短时间作用的药物,如速可眠、阿米妥、戊巴比妥等。
- So, once take barbitone kind after medicaments, often can take continuously go down, stop harder, consequently easy form depend on. 所以,一旦服用巴比妥类药物后,往往会持续服下去,较难停下来,因而易形成依赖。
- Rapid N hydrocarbylation of barbitone or barbitone sodium with a series of halides on potassium carbonate were performed in National NN 5652 750W microwave oven. 在微波辐射下,以无水碳酸钾作为碱性试剂和载体,巴比妥或巴比妥钠和卤代烃在固相能迅速地发生反应生成相应的N-烃基化产物。
- Like barbitone kind unsuited application reachs the patient with breathing not complete function at having disease of liver, kidney; 如巴比妥类不适宜应用于有肝、肾疾病及呼吸功能不全的患者;
- barbitone buffer reagent 巴比妥缓冲液试剂
- barbitone sodium 巴比妥钠
- Poisoning by barbitone 巴比通中毒
- Spidlen. 斯派德尔
- barbitonen. 巴比妥
- soluble barbitone 溶性巴比酮
- barbital barbitone 巴比妥
- barbitone spindle 巴比妥梭形波
- (2) arousal is early, sleep the not deep and much person that wake, give effect time long hypnotic, chloric aldehyde of the barbitone that be like benzene, hydration, methaqualone. (2)觉醒早、睡不深而多醒者,给予作用时间长的催眠药,如苯巴比妥、水合氯醛、安眠酮等。