- We have a lot of choices in San Li Tun Bar Street. 三里屯那条街上有很多酒吧可供选。
- Please take me to the Bar Street. 请载我去友谊路上的酒吧街。
- Please take me to the Bar Street . 请载我去友谊路上的酒吧街。
- The bar street has many customers even at dark nights. 酒吧一条街的生意在深夜都很好。
- Of a summer on Sunday, I take a walk in the bar street of lakefront. 一个夏日的星期天,我在湖边的酒吧街散步。
- In the liberation of South West and Cai E, I see this famous bar street. 在解放西路与蔡锷南路,我见识了这条闻名全国的酒吧一条街。
- In addition, Beijing's Sanlitun bar street, the success also illustrates the great market demand. 另外,北京的三里屯酒吧一条街等的成功,也说明了市场的极大需求。
- Sanlitun bar street planning for commercial Street, the construction are four storeys. 三里屯酒吧街规划为商业街,区内建筑均为4层。
- Our second Beijing location is in Nali Mall alongside boutiques, galleries, and cafes in the Sanlitun bar street. 我们的第二家店位于北京著名的三里屯酒吧街的那里花园,与众多别具一格的精品店,酒吧,画廊,咖啡店相邻。
- The singers carry the musical instrument to go out the ostentatious bar street wearily, returns to nearby own den to drink eats meal. 歌手们背着乐器疲倦地走出浮华的酒吧街,回到自己的老巢边喝酒吃饭。
- Neighbour of the Worker's Stadium,five minutes drive to World Trade Center,10 minutes walk to ChaoYangMen Subway Station and Sanlitun Bar street. 开车5分钟到国贸,走路5分钟到朝阳门地铁和三里屯酒吧街。
- There are Asia's largest, known as "China Amsterdam," the Guangzhou Flower Bolan Yuan, the unique style of Baie Tan style Bar Street, and so on. 还有亚洲最大的、被誉为“中国阿姆斯特丹”的广州花卉博览园、独具风情的白鹅潭风情酒吧街等等。
- But for the two years that he ran Tim's Texas Roadhouse on a dusty strip called Super Bar Street here, Tim Hilbert says he felt right at home. 不过希尔伯特(Tim Hilbert)说,在北京那条狭长而尘土飞扬的星吧路上经营Tim's Texas Roadhouse餐馆的两年里,他感觉就跟在老家一样。
- The place did well, and in early 2007, he opened the Roadhouse a few kilometers away on Super Bar Street, then a relatively new and somewhat seedy zone. 餐馆做得很不错,2007年初,他在几公里外的星吧街开了西部牛仔餐吧,当时星吧街还是一个比较新,又有点乱的地方。
- Well-known are: Beijing's North Sea and the Backstreet Bar Street, Shanghai Road and Maoming, a Bar Street, Canton Road and along the Baie Tan Bar Street. 过度的想像与诠释,夸大了西方的一切,使西方的一切成为时尚流行,成为人们心向往之的追求,成为风靡一时的潮流。
- He beckoned to me from across the street. 他在马路对面向我招手致意。
- You may want to go to the white swan customs bar street, Fangcun food street, Damazhan food street and Saigon seafood city to enjoy the profound connotation of dining out in Guangzhou tonight. 到晚上的时候,大家可以三五成群到白天鹅风情酒吧街、芳村食街、大马站食街、西贡海鲜城去体验“食在广州“的深刻内涵。
- Moreover,I,too,turned camera lens to trashes and the shades of some bar streets filled with befuddled life. 酒吧街醉生梦死的垃圾和夜色。某个人的皮肤和褐色圆痣。
- Sometimes I turned camera lens to trashes and the shades of some bar streets filled with befuddled life. 酒吧街醉生梦死的垃圾和夜色。某个人的皮肤和褐色圆痣。
- The street is overarched by ginkgoes. 那条街道给拱形的银杏树遮盖着。