- bar code of medical item 药品物资条形码
- The doctor tossed off a list of medical items. 医生说出了药品的清单。
- The code 39 of bar code is used in automatic system of library at present. The article introduces the cod principle and character of the code 39,the design method of printing and brief programmed code of visual C++. 目前图书馆自动化系统中条形码多采用 39码 ,文章介绍了 39码的编码原理及特点 ,打印设计方法及简短的VisualC + +程序代码。
- Thus physician is defined as an attendant, an assistant, to the natural healing process, rooted in a Dharmic code of medical ethics. 这样依据行为法医学规则,医生就定位于一个助手的地位,辅助自然的愈合力量。
- We assort the kinds of goods and conduct a third-class assortment and detailed selection based on the number, corlor, bar code, code of supplier, code of purchaser and safe storage quantity. 5由于我司将2、1和2、2进行连接形成独特的操作界面,在客户登入系统后在所需的操作(提发货定单、出库指示定单)模块能十分便捷通过鼠标和数字键完成(含提发货物清单和出库指示定单的输入。
- In 1999, VHA rolled out bar coding for its medication administration throughout their network of medical centres (in total 60,000 beds). 1999年,VHA在它整个医疗中心网络推行条形码医疗管理(共有6万张病床)。
- A secular law, rule, or code of law. 世俗法规世俗的法律、制度或法典
- The operation was a marvel of medical skill. 这个手术是医术的一个非凡范例。
- I can break the code of this box. 我能破译这个箱子的密码。
- Reduced the number of medical items in town. C-130 airdrops are now more widely spaced out. 减少了城镇中的医疗道具数量。扩大了C-130运输机的空投范围。
- Students must observe the code of the school. 学生必须遵守校规。
- This paper introduces the establishment background, requirement, content and effect of bar codes and unit codes of cluster management in Dongguan library. 本文介绍了东莞图书馆集群管理条形码与单位代码编制的背景、要求、内容及其应用效果。
- Talking about ISBN Bar Code of the Books 图书ISBN条码漫谈
- We export all kind of medical items and also medical equipment for hospitals ,clinics, outpatient facilities and doctor offices. 我们出口各种医疗用品和医疗设备的医院,诊所,门诊设施和医生办公室。
- Do you know the postal code of this postal district? 你知道这个邮政区的邮政编码吗?
- The miraculous effect of medical herbs has raised some conservative eyebrows. 草药的奇效简直使一些思想保守的人瞠目结舌。
- Function Bar Code of the Stimulus and Response in Neural System 神经系统刺激响应的函数条形码
- Guangzhou Jeasun Bar Code Technology CO., LTD. 广州市杰诚条码科技有限公司。
- What kind of medical insurance are you covered by? 你享有那种医疗保险?
- Now, add fields for the address and bar code. 现在,添加地址和条码域。