- Fauteuil (arm bar chair) by Pierre-Antoine Bellange. c. 1815. 在那附近得到您的头,并且坚苦工作可能开始。
- A separate footrest for a bar chair is known as an ottoman, hassock latoya figueroa or pouffe. “悠悠降香 感引鹤降;花梨百媚 安然梦来”。我喜欢古家具时在旁人眼中实属另类。
- A bar chair for more than one person is a couch, sofa, settee, loveseat, recliner or bench. 组织阅卷,公布考试成绩;管理各海关审核报关员资格申请、颁发报关员资格证书事宜。
- There will be hors d''oeuvres and a cash bar chair benefiting Brookside''s educational programs. 软绵绵的天然水果味和富有弹性的柔爽口感让食用者留连往返,受到了众多休闲食品爱好者的喜爱!
- Dental bar chairs are necessarily reclined. 可以约上几个平日要好的朋友或同事,或者是通过网站发帖来邀请志同道合的驴友们去同一目的地集体出游,不但可以一起包车,还可以团购景区的门票,一起在餐馆就餐。
- Pruitt told her, even though he had bar chair heard of wheelchair ballroom dancing. 之后又在全区进行了驻店执业药师监管网络和信用信息档案数据库的建设。
- There will be hors d'oeuvres and a cash bar chair benefiting Brookside's educational programs. 不少专业投资机构反映,当前,影响股票指数价格的不再是单纯的供求关系,而是错综复杂的国际环境。
- Without back and arm rests it is called a stool.A bar chair for more than one person is a couch, sofa, settee, loveseat, recliner or bench. 健康人群会面对许多家庭、择业、求学、社会适应等问题,他们会期待做出理想的选择,顺利地度过人生的各个阶段,求得自身能力的最大发挥和寻求生活的良好质量。
- The Loft Dance Lounge, recently opened Pauley's Original Crepe bar chair on East Clayton Street where the Roly Poly sandwich shop operated before. 生活在北京、广州、上海、深圳等竞争压力较大城市的都市人,大多处于一种亚健康状态。
- The Loft Dance Lounge, recently opened Pauley''s Original Crepe bar chair on East Clayton Street where the Roly Poly sandwich shop operated before. 我们全家都很高兴,非常感谢好尔公司给我们提供这样好的高科技产品,是我们糖尿病和心血管病人的福音。
- Photographs by resident bar chair Billy Danielson are on the walls, and there's all new furniture arranged in a more casual layout. 可是,这些都只是如果,很多东西都可以启动,但健康生活方式的启动,恐怕只是一个愿望,仅仅是个仪式。
- Photographs by resident bar chair Billy Danielson are on the walls, and there''s all new furniture arranged in a more casual layout. 从男人眼光来看,无论他们怎样进化,促使他们追求另一性的原动力永远都是生产的欲望。
- Pauley's is offering crepes, biscuits, sandwiches, salads, dessert crepes, cake slices, coffee, soft drinks and a full bar chair. 性生活是夫妻生活重要的一部分,夫妻是两个独立的个体,有些体验、感受和愿望对方是无从知晓的。
- My factory is a large furniture manufacturer, which specializes in office chair, multi-fuction office chair, ABS import plastic bar chair, hardware bar chair, leisure chair. 本厂是一家大型金属家具制造企业,专业生产金属办公椅、功能办公转椅、bs进口塑胶酒吧椅、金吧椅、闲椅。
- My factory is a large furniture manufacturer, which specializes in office chair, multi-fuction office chair, ABS import plastic bar chair , hardware bar chair , leisure chair. 本厂是一家大型金属家具制造企业,专业生产金属办公椅、功能办公转椅、BS进口塑胶酒吧椅、金吧椅、闲椅。
- The chair sagged down under the fat man's weight. 椅子经这胖人一坐便压弯了。
- Ya Ju Xuan is a professional enterprise that manufacture and sell fashion leisure chairs and bar chairs. 雅居轩是一家专业生产,销售时尚休闲椅和时尚巴椅的企业。
- He canted over from his chair onto the floor. 他从椅子上跌倒在地板上。
- The company mainly manufactures outdoor leisure products, outdoor furniture, fitness body-building equipment and bar chairs. 公司产品种类实施多元化与主导化相结合,主要生产户外休闲用品,户外家具,健身器材等系列产品。
- He rocked back and forth in his rocking chair. 他坐在摇椅里前后摇晃着。