- The United States claims there is evidence that Iraq still has some banned weapons programs. 美国声称,有证据显示伊拉克仍然在发展一些被禁止的武器计划。
- By then it has been asked to give a full list of all banned weapons programmes to develop chemical, biological and nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles. 届时,伊方应列出其进行的所有被禁武器开发计划,包括生化武器、核武器以及弹道导弹研制计划。
- By then it has been asked to give a full list of all banned weapons programmes to develop chemical,biological and nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles. 届时,伊方应列出其进行的所有被禁武器开发计划,包括生化武器、核武器以及弹道导弹研制计划。
- banned weapons programs 违禁武器开发计划
- Police still discovered a few banned weapons and ammo. 警方还发现了一些违禁武器和弹药。
- However, Mister Kay also noted evidence that Iraq was involved in weapons programs banned by United Nations resolutions. 但是,大卫凯也提到有迹象表明伊拉克确实有违反联合国武器禁令的相关武器。
- And they found nothing to conclude that Iraq had a nuclear weapons program. 但是对于确认伊拉克已经拥有核武器发展计划他们却没有发现什么。
- Inspectors have the right to go anywhere and talk to anybody they want without any notice,in order to determine whether Iraq still has banned weapons. 为了证实伊方是否仍持有被禁武器,核查人员有权在未发布任何通知的情况下检查任何场所,向任何人取证。
- There has also been a sharp fall in the percentageof people expressing confidence that US forces would find evidence of Iraq's banned weapons. 同样的,人们对美国军队能够找出伊拉克有大量违禁武器的证据的信心,也下降了非常之大。
- The leaders are also urging North Korea to stop its nuclear weapons program. 此外,各国领导人还敦促北朝鲜停止其核武器试验。
- Inspectors have the right to go anywhere and talk to anybody they want without any notice, in order to determine whether Iraq still has banned weapons. 为了证实伊方是否仍持有被禁武器,核查人员有权在未发布任何通知的情况下检查任何场所,向任何人取证。
- P.T., Iran is prohibited from developing a viable nuclear weapons program. 伊朗在禁止核扩散条约上签了字,因此它是不可以发展核武器的。
- There has also been a sharp fall in the percentage of people expressing confidence that US forces would find evidence of Iraq's banned weapons. 同样的,人们对美国军队能够找出伊拉克有大量违禁武器的证据的信心,也下降了非常之大。
- Call it ingenuous or evil genius, but the Iraqis deliberately designed their chemical weapons programs to be inspected. 称这为坦白或魔鬼天才,伊拉克有意设计其化学武器计划以应付核查。
- We have no indication that Saddam Hussein has ever abandoned his nuclear weapons program. 我们没有迹象显示萨达姆已经放弃了他的核武器计划。
- This incident linked with the tubes is another indicator of Iraq's attempt to reconstitute its nuclear weapons program. 这就显示伊拉克试图重新进行核武器实验的目的。
- POWELL: Nonetheless, Iraq continued to tell the IAEA that it had no nuclear weapons program. 但是,伊拉克继续对国际原子能机构称他没有核武器计划。
- By 1998,U.N. experts agreed that the Iraqis had perfected drying techniques for their biological weapons programs. 至1998年,联合国的专家们都认为伊拉克已经完善了其生物武器的干燥技术。
- Tariq (ph) includes facilities designed specifically for Iraq's chemical weapons program and employs key figures from past programs. 塔利克包括了为伊拉克武器计划特别设计的设施,并雇用了过去计划中的一样关键人员。
- The Iraqi official said the declaration explains the history of Iraq's weapons programs. 这位伊拉克官员说,申报报告解释了伊拉克武器计划的历史。