- Bank secrecy laws should no longer be an impediment to justice. 银行保密法不应再成为司法障碍。
- They also mentioned a broad agreement on creating a blacklist of tax havens to force changes in banking secrecy. 他们还提到了一项广泛的协议,该协议同意提供避税天堂的黑名单,以此来推进银行保密的变革。
- Those who press for an end to banking secrecy argue that people who hide their assets have shifty motives, such as to avoid paying taxes. 那些想埋葬银行隐私的人认为,人们藏匿资产均出自不可告人的动机,比如逃税。
- A few days earlier, the European Commission proposed abolishing banking secrecy within EU states in cases of suspected tax evasion. 几天前,欧盟委员会提议取消欧盟各国的银行机密,以防止可疑的逃税行为。
- "Banking secrecy has helped Switzerland a lot," Gruebel told the newspaper."The financial center has made our country rich. 格鲁贝尔认为:“银行保密法对瑞士来讲太重要了,金融中心的地位让瑞士富足。”
- He noted that banking secrecy “does not protect tax fraud” and can be lifted if clients are suspected of a crime that counts as a crime in Switzerland as well as abroad. 他指出,银行业的保密性“并不保护税务欺诈”,如果客户涉嫌的犯罪行为在瑞士及国外均被认为是犯罪,就可能取消对他们的保密。
- Andreas Missbach from the Berne Declaration, a rare Swiss group that campaigns to lift bank secrecy for tax evasion. 他来自伯恩申报组织,一个杰出的致力于揭露利用银行保密制度逃税的团体。
- Even before the recession, Swiss bank secrecy and low cantonal tax rates were under fire. 瑞士在经济衰退时期仍在实行的瑞士银行保密制度以及各州的低税率,遭到了很多国家的猛烈批判。
- From Nazis to modern-day criminals, Switzerland's legendary bank secrecy has long been exploited by those with assets to hide. 从纳粹到现在的罪犯,瑞士著名的银行保密系统长期以来一直被那些要隐藏资产的人利用。
- Champions of bank secrecy see it as the fraying of a tradition that has withstood wars, pressure from powerful states and the prying eyes of foreign spies. 银行隐私的拥护者们视此为对传统的颠覆,保守银行隐私的优良传统曾经经受过战争、霸权国家威胁和外国间谍窥视的考验。
- UBS and the US government yesterday agreed an out-of-court settlement to resolve one of the most bitter assaults on Switzerland's hallowed bank secrecy. 瑞银(UBS)昨日与美国政府达成庭外和解,了结了针对瑞士神圣不可侵犯的银行保密制度的最猛烈打击之一。
- Liechtenstein's government said it will take steps to relax its tradition of bank secrecy and promised closer cooperation with international tax-evasion probes according to OECD-recommended standards. 列支敦士登政府表示,将根据经合组织建议的标准,采取措施放宽其银行保密传统,承诺进一步配合国际逃税调查。
- Even the most ardent defenders of banking secrecy concede that the tide is turning against it, however.In the rich world, the mood against all big banks has soured, including offshore ones. 甚至是最热心的拥趸也承认银行隐私与潮流背道而驰,另一方面,在富裕世界,那些对所有大银行,包括离岸银行的不满情绪越来越强。
- The bank is a ten minutes' run from the hotel. 从旅馆到银行跑步需十分钟。
- Rain clouds are banking up. Hope they'll blow over. 雨云正在聚积起来。希望它们会散去。
- The bank has progressively increased its liquidity. 银行逐渐地增加其流动资产。
- He will choose banking as his career. 他将选择银行业做为职业。
- I am banking upon you to help me with arrangements. 我指望你来安排一切。
- In confirmation hereof we attach a bank statement. 为作这方面的确认我们附上银行结单。
- Banking faces much competition nowadays. 如今,银行业面临许多竞争。