- Guards! We have bandits and spies here! Kill them all! 卫兵!这里有强盗和间谍!杀光他们!
- bandit and spy 匪特
- They read the histories and talk about the weapons and spy tools. 他们阅读历史记录,谈论武器和侦察工具。
- The police captured the bandits and disarmed them. 警察捉到强盗并将他们缴械。
- So the men went up and spied out Ai. 那些人就上去窥探艾城。
- So you are common bandits and murdering thugs. 那么你们就是普通的强盗和暴徒了。
- Bandits and outlaws roamed the country. 国内强盗和歹徒猖獗。
- You go and spy out the land and see if there are any vacant seats near the front. 你去查看一下,前面是否有空位子。
- When the bandit and the police began to shoot, Jack was almost in their line of fire. 警匪枪战时,杰克几乎处于他们的射击线内。
- She had been hounded by the British intelligence and spy services and by Un-American Activities Committees. 她一直受到英国情报部门、间谍机构和美国非美活动委员会的跟踪监视。
- When the bandit and the police began to shoot,Jack was almost in their line of fire. 警匪枪战时,杰克几乎处于他们的射击线内。
- When the bandit and the police began to shoot,John was almost in their lineoffire. 警匪枪战时,约翰几在他们枪弹经过的地方。
- Are you not the Lieutenant Fernand who served as guide and spy to the French army in Spain? 您不就是那个在滑铁卢开战之前开小差逃走的小弗尔南多吗?
- When the bandit and the police began to shoot, John was almost in their lineoffire. 警匪枪战时,约翰几在他们枪弹经过的地方。
- Go and spy where he is, that I may send and fetch him. And it was told him, saying, Behold, he is in Dothan. 王说,你们去探他在哪里,我好打发人去捉拿他。有人告诉王说,他在多坍。
- I wade chest-high in bleached ryegrass murmuring in the wind, and spy down the rugged coast of California. 高及胸口的黑麦草在风中喃喃低语,在月色下一白如洗,我跋涉其中,沿着加利福尼亚的崎岖海岸探寻。
- Look for more spy pics and spy video of the new Prancing Horse as its debut draws nearer. 寻找更多的间谍照片和间谍视频新法拉利作为首次临近。
- These can disrupt/prevent GPS and spy satellites thus drastically improving the PLAs chances in any scenario with US. 这些项目可以扰乱/阻止全球定位系统和间谍卫星从而全面提升中国人民解放军在与美国对阵时的获胜机会。
- Important official of stratocracy of a few Kuomintang and spy backbone fly from this airport namely escape of Nanjing. 少数国民党军政要员和特务骨干就是从这个机场飞逃南京的。
- Bribes,scandals,and spies often went along with political power in Florence. 贿赂,丑闻和窃听一直伴随着佛罗伦萨的政治权利。