- Pinda: This building has a good facade, with nice balance and symmetry, but I'm so tired of looking at the same style of building, one after another. 这座建筑有着很好的外观和平衡对称性,但是我已经厌倦了一个接一个地看同一类型的建筑。
- Global strategic balance and stability. 全球战略平衡和稳定。
- He loses his balance and fall to the grind. 他失去平衡,摔倒在地。
- The man lost his balance and pitched down the cliff. 那人失去平衡,摔到悬崖下边。
- He lost his balance and measured out his length on the ground. 他失去了平衡,在地上跌了个四爪朝天。
- Order and symmetry were important elements of beauty. 秩序和对称是美的重要因素。
- The girl lost her balance and fell off the balance beam. 小女孩失去了平衡,从平衡木上摔了下来。
- The fisherman lost his balance and pitched into the sea. 渔夫失去了平衡,一头栽进海里。
- Never stand up in a canoe; it will get off balance and turn over. 坐在独木舟里,千万不要站起来; 那样独木舟会因失去平衡而翻掉。
- One who is skilled in feats of balance and agility in gymnastics. 杂技演员,体操运动员在体操的平衡与灵活技巧方面十分娴熟
- Under the assumption,the distribution of observations is unimodal and symmetry. 由此得出的极大似然方程,可以推断出实际误差参数的最或是值。
- The man lost his balance and pitch down the cliff. 这个人失去平衡,从悬崖上摔下去了。
- He loses his balance and falls to the ground. 他失去平衡,摔倒在地。
- The granny lost her balance and fell. 老奶奶身体失去平衡,摔了一跤。
- He lost his balance and measured his length. 他失去了平衡,在地上跌了个四爪朝天。
- She slipped on the ice,lost her balance and fell. 她在冰上一滑,身子失去了平衡,跌倒了。
- At that moment he lost his balance and fell. 他在那一瞬间失去平衡摔倒了。
- balance and symmetry 平衡对称
- He lost his balance and fell to the ground. 他失去平衡摔倒在地上。
- I lost my balance and fell backwards. 我没有站稳,仰面摔倒。