- bail in criminal proceedings 刑事诉讼中的保释
- The right to silence is an important right that the suspected and defendant enjoy in criminal proceedings. 摘要沉默权是在刑事诉讼过程中犯罪嫌疑人、被告人享有的一项重要的诉讼权利。
- We’re also looking at privity of contract, hearsay in criminal proceedings and guardianship and custody of children. 我们亦会探讨合约参与关系、刑事法律程序中的传闻证据,以及儿童监护权和管养权。
- Encouraged investigation, as a special measure in criminal proceedings, reflects the violent conflict between interests of controlling crimes and that of protecting human rights. 摘要诱惑侦查作为刑事的诉讼中的一种特殊侦查手段,集中反映了犯罪控制和人权保障两种利益的冲突。
- Bail in misdemeanors is of right. 根据法律,轻罪可以要求保释。
- It is currently considering references on privacy,guardianship and custody,debt collection,description of flats on sale,contracts for the supply of goods and confession statements in criminal proceedings. 委员会目前研究的专题计有:私隐权、监护权及抚养权、追讨债项、售楼说明书、货品供应合约和刑事法律程序中的供认陈述等。
- It is currently considering references on privacy, guardianship and custody, debt collection, description of flats on sale, contracts for the supply of goods and confession statements in criminal proceedings. 委员会目前研究的专题计有:私隐权、监护权及抚养权、追讨债项、售楼说明书、货品供应合约和刑事法律程序中的供认陈述等。
- supplementary civil action in criminal proceedings 附带民事诉讼
- participants in criminal proceedings 刑事诉讼参与人
- They'll be out(= of prison)on bail in no time. 他们马上就要获得保释出狱。
- On Defence's Lodging Proof in Criminal Proceedings 刑事诉讼辩方证据开示制度初探
- The Modes of Legal Aid in Criminal Proceedings 论刑事法律援助模式
- evidence for the prosecution in criminal proceedings. 刑事案件中起诉方的证据。
- With criminal proceedings, substantial probable cause must be evident to legal authorities before a suit can proceed. 在刑事程序下,在诉讼开始前,对于司法机关来说,实体上可能的理由必须是显而易见的。
- The Application of Signal Detection Theory in Criminal Proceedings 信号检测论在刑事诉讼认定证据中的应用
- Informations were used also in criminal procedure. 控告起诉书也用于刑事诉讼中。
- On Principle of No Trial without Complaint in Criminal Proceedings 刑事诉讼中的不告不理原则论
- It sits in criminal and civil chambers. 它设有刑事和民事庭。
- On the Exclusive Rules of Evidence in Criminal Proceedings 论刑事诉讼中的排除法则
- We are placing your son in criminal detention. 我们对你儿子实行刑事拘留。