- The flight to Accra goes twice a week. 飞往阿克拉的班机一星期开两班。
- We should brush our teeth at least twice a day. 我们每天应该至少刷两次牙。
- I am more than twice as old as he. 我的年龄是他的两倍还不止。
- Jack was fired twice but both times taken back. 杰克曾两次被解雇,但两次都被允许回去工作。
- The filly has been raced twice this season. 这匹小牝马本季度曾两次参赛。
- If I wee you, I'd think twice about it. 如果我是你我会三思而后行。
- He tried hard to baffle our plan. 他力图阻挠我们的计划。
- The caretaker stokes up twice a day. 管理员每天往火里加两次煤。
- I go to the university twice daily. 我每天去那所大学两次。
- He has been there at least twice. 他至少去过那儿两次。
- She referred to it once or twice. 这一点她提到了一两次。
- Our study group gets together twice a week. 我们的学习小组每周集中活动两次。
- The old man goes to see his grandson twice a week. 这位老人每星期去看他的孙子两次。
- This plant needs to be watered twice a week. 这种花一星期要浇两次。
- She did twice as much work as her brother. 她干的工作比她弟弟干的多一倍。
- The housemaid comes to mop our kitchen floor twice a week. 女佣每周两次到我家来拖洗厨房地板。
- Your wife has rung you twice since lunch time. 午饭後你太太已来过两次电话了。
- You need to think twice of the matter. 这事你要三思。
- Big deal! I caught a fish twice that big last week. 了不得!上星期我钓到的鱼有那条的两倍大。
- The patient had to use the inhalation twice a day. 这个病人每天得用两次吸入剂。