- Back slant: Backward sloping typeface, i.e. opposite to italic. 左斜字体:向左倾斜的字体。即是一般斜体字的反向。
- Several algorithms of process data compression are introduced in detail, such as box car, backward slope, SDT, PLOT and vector quantization. 例如,矩形波串法、后向斜率法、SDT算法、PLOT算法及矢量量化方法等,并进一步指出了过程数据压缩中的一些实际问题。
- Historically, the supply curve of hours has followed this configuration. 在历史上,工时的供给曲线是符合这种形状的。
- Rise, because the supply curve of Australian exports shifts to the right. 增加,因为澳洲出口产品的供应曲线向右位移。
- Backward bending labor supply curve 后弯的劳动供给线
- In all of the explanation on Phillips Curve,labor supply curve is positive,is a basic condition,but the labor supply curve is not absolute positive. 在所有有关菲利普斯曲线的讨论中,假定劳动供给曲线是正斜率曲线是一个基本前提。
- This may be so for precisely the same reasons as are adduced for regarding the supply curve of a factor to an individual firm as horizontal. 这种情况可能出现,其理由恰与上面关于单个厂商的要素供给曲线为水平线的理由一样。
- Graphically, individual supply curves are summed horizontally to obtain the market supply curve. 市场供给是每种价格水平下所有卖者供给量之和。
- If there is a rightward shift in the supply curve, for example, because a new and more efficient production technology has been invented, quantity produced will increase and price will fall. 如果有在配额的曲线方面的一个右转向改变,例如,因为一项新的和更有效的生产技术被发明了,那么被生产的量将增加,而定价将落下。
- Does your handwriting slope forward or backward? 你的书法向前斜还是向后斜?
- He lined out for home without a backward glance. 他头也不回,急忙往家里走去。
- Unskilled Labor and Its Supply Curve 低技能劳动力供给曲线研究
- He pedaled his way up the slope. 他骑着脚踏车上坡。
- Now you can start to coast down the slope. 你现在可以开始顺坡向下滑行了。
- combined demand and supply curve [经] 需要与供给综合曲线
- Let's slope off somewhere quiet and have a drink. 我们悄悄溜到什么地方去喝上一杯。
- This part of the country is still backward. 这个国家的这个地区仍很落后。
- In some cities housing conditions went backward. 某些城市的住房条件越来越差。
- The teacher was patient with backward children. 那位老师对迟钝的学童十分耐心。