- All models must work fine with backface culling. 所有模型必须应用隐面剔除。
- Also, make sure the cylinder's Backface Cull is turned off. 右击圆柱体,进入属性框,关闭可渲染属性和BackfaceCull。
- Triangular mesh, Backface culling, Normal, Topological mapping, Surfaces trimming, Mesh simplification. 01三角网格,背向面去除,法向量,拓扑映射,曲面切割,网格简化
- Try "preferences->isulazition performance->General setting"->turn off the "Backface Culling". 如 turn on this option; 曲面的法线反方向面 inisible.
- If some of your triangles are clockwise and others are anti-clockwise, backface culling will be messed up, and holes will randomly appear in the mesh when viewer in real-time. 如果有些用顺时针,有些逆时针,隐面剔除就会发生错误,实时检测模型时就会看见网格上有随机出现的漏洞。
- For example, you can set a custom viewport as well as specify parameters for backface culling, polygon mode, polygon offset, and more. 例如,您可以设置自定义视图以及指定参数背面扑杀,多边形模式,多边形抵消等等。
- Also right click on your model and select properties.In there click on the backface cull box. (右击模型选择属性,在属性框中打开背面显示。)
- The rasterizer is used for interpolation of the vertex attribute values as well as for calculations related to other operations, such as viewport clipping and backface culling. 该光栅用于插值的顶点属性值以及计算与其他业务,如视裁剪和背面扑杀。
- Backface culling will ensure that only one of the two surfaces will be displayed in the Z-Buffer anyway, meaning that there won't be any Z-fighting problem. 因为隐面剔除使得两个面只有一个会显示出来,这样Z缓冲就不会出现冲突了。
- Fixing backface culling generally needs you to select all faces that are incorrectly culled, and to flip their normal. 要修复此问题,通常需要反转所有没有正确应用剔除的面的法线方向。
- Backface culling - 背面消隐.
- backface culling (隐面消除)
- Backface Cull Toggle 背景拣出开关
- We have no idea what lead to this dog cull. 我们没有想法什麽导致这狗拣掉。
- Culling operations are currently under way. 当地已经开始进行排查工作。
- Lower-left: Enable back face culling. 左下角:开启背面剔除。
- Dream of culling the pearl on the crown? 你想摘下皇冠上的那颗明珠吗?
- Cull back faces with clockwise vertices. 按顺时针顶点剔除背面。
- Cull back faces with counterclockwise vertices. 按逆时针顶点剔除背面。
- Kostya Kimlat - Roadrunner Cull. 如果有可能;请上传这个.