- In this paper,the back propagation algorithm of a multilayer feedforw ard neural network was defined as BP algorithm? 利用前向多层神经网络的反向传播算法,即BP算法。
- To compensate the disadvantage of the conventional back propagation algorithm(CBPA),an improved learning algorithm,which trained a BP neural network by the genetic algorithm,was developed. 考虑到BP算法的不足,提出用遗传算法来优化BP神经网络的连接权值,设计了基于进化神经网络的学习算法,建立了陶瓷材料电加工表面粗糙度随工艺参数变化的预测模型。
- The advantages and disadvantages of Back Propagation Algorithm (BP) and Genetic Algorithm (GA) are analysed, combination of the two algorithms forms GA-BP. 分析了遗传算法(GA)和BP算法的优缺点,将GA算法与BP算法有机地结合,形成了遗传BP算法。
- A new nonlinear BSS approach is developed by applying Edgeworth expansion and adaptive cumulant estimation into information back propagation algorithm. 将Edgeworth展开代入信息后向传输算法中,通过一种新的自适应累积量估计方法,克服了原算法指出的Edgeworth展开在盲信号分离中的缺限。
- Finally,compared with the SLAM algorithm and Levenberg-Marquardt Back Propagation algorithm,the proposed algorithm is testified to have the better computation efficiency and generalization ability. 最后 ,与SLAM算法和Levenberg Marquardt后向传播 (LMBP)算法的实验对比结果证实了该算法的有效性
- Based on the driving model of unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV) simulation servo system, a novel scheme based on on-line learning error back propagation algorithm(EBPA) was proposed in designing UAV simulation servo system. 针对无人机(UAV)仿真伺服系统的驱动模型,提出了一种将误差反传算法用于UAV仿真伺服系统在线学习设计的新方案。
- The potential utility of feed forward artificial neural network using the back propagation algorithm (BP-ANN), in interpreting pyrogram data from traditional Chinese medicine was discussed. 将以误差反向传播为训练算法的前馈式人工神经网络(BP-ANN)首次用于中草药的裂解气相色谱谱图解析。
- Abstract The potential utility of feed forward artificial neural network using the back propagation algorithm (BP-ANN), in interpreting pyrogram data from traditional Chinese medicine was discussed. 摘要将以误差反向传播为训练算法的前馈式人工神经网络(BP-ANN)首次用于中草药的裂解气相色谱谱图解析。
- Research on Optimal Step Back Propagation Algorithm 最优步长反向传播算法的研究
- dynamic back propagation algorithm 动态反传算法
- error back propagation algorithm 误差反传算法
- the back propagation algorithm (MOCVD) BP算法
- improved back propagation algorithm 改进BP算法
- The artificial neural networks (ANN) with back propagation algorithms coupled with the sequential pseudo-uniform design (SPUD) was applied and demonstrated successfully to the modeling of the PMR system using limited but adequate experimental data. 我们采用接续式拟均匀设计来安排实验取得少量但充足的数据并以类神经网路来建构钯膜反应器之代表性模式。
- Based on gradient descent rule, the BP( Back Propagation) algorithm is a local optimization algorithm. bp算法基于梯度下降原理,是一种局部寻优算法。
- back propagation algorithm(BP) 反向传播算法
- Through applying an improved BP(back propagation) algorithm to city consume,a BP model is built. 针对城市消费预测问题;应用一种改进的BP算法;建立了相应的BP网络模型;并设计了基于BP神经网络的城市消费预测系统.
- In this paper, a back propagation (BP) algorithm based multi-layer perceptron model was proposed to discriminate thermophilic and mesophilic proteins. 摘要采用误差反传(BP)算法的多层感知机模型,对嗜热蛋白和常温蛋白进行模式识别。
- Next, an Improved Back Propagation(IBP)algorithm is proposed, considering the drawbacks of the standard Back Propagation (BP) in the neural network theory. 接着,作者对神经网络理论中的标准反向传播算法BP作了改进并提出了IBP算法。
- Back Propagation(BP) neural network can be used to forecast Gyroscopic drift.But BP algorithm inclines to fall into local extremum and its training speed is very slow. 作为导航系统核心的惯性器件,陀螺仪在整个导航系统中起着十分重要的作用。