- back bias circuit 反馈偏压电路
- This paper proposes a bias circuit for cascode current mirror in band-gap voltage reference to realize low supply voltage. 通过设计带隙基准电压源中共源共栅电流镜的偏置电路以实现低电源电压工作。
- The whole AFE circuit includes a bias circuit, a clock generator, a chopper stabilization amplifier, a post-amplifier, and a second-order continues-time low-pass filter. 本文所提整体类比前端电路包含偏压电路、时脉产生器、截波稳定型放大器、后置放大器、和二阶连续时间低通滤波器。
- This paper introduce the terminal-port characteristic relation of Nullor and the nullor eguivalent circuit of transistor.A method of analysing and designing parameter of bias circuit is given. 本文介绍了零泛器的端口特性关系,晶体管的零泛等效电路,给出了应用零泛器设计计算偏置电路参数的一种方法。
- The simulation results listed above prove that, this structure could simplify the design and adjustment of bias circuit greatly, and lower the power dissipation of low-voltage cascode structure. 仿真结果证明,该电路能够简化共源共栅电路的设计和调试,并减少低压共源共栅电路的功耗。
- Design of a RF High Power Amplifier Bias Circuit 一种射频大功率放大器电源偏置电路设计方法
- Rose bushes shoot again after being cut back. 玫瑰丛修剪後还能再长出新枝。
- Also, cathode bias circuits (with bypass capacitors) are not very successful, since for DC bias purposes, the cathode resistor presents a high DC resistance equivalent at the anode, and the quiescent point is not very stable. 而且,阴极偏压电路(带旁路电容)也很难成功,因为直流偏压的原因,阴极电阻在屏级上表现出很高的等效直流电阻,这样静态工作点很难得以稳定。
- Besides, by using the active biasing circuit (linearizer) for the gate of the FET, the 1dB compression point (CP1dB) can be extended. 除此之外,通过对第二级FET的门级偏置使用主动式的偏置电路(线性处理器),电路的1dB压缩点(CP1dB)得到了很大的提高。
- He trudge three hour in the snow to get back home. 他在雪中跋涉三个钟点才回到家。
- Application Nullor Compute Parameter of Bias Circuit 应用零泛器计算偏置电路的参数
- The crowd fell back to let the players through. 人群后退让运动员们通过。
- Do exercise every day and you'll be back in condition. 每天锻炼锻炼,你很快会恢复健康的。
- In the second design, we use an adaptive biasing circuit to compensate for process and temperature deviation.Even in the worst case, the frequency variation is under 5%. 在第二个设计中,我们使用一个适应性偏压电路去补偿制程跟温度造成的频率漂移,即使在最差的条件下,频率漂移还是可以维持在5%25以内。
- The ship beat back against a monsoon. 船逆着季风艰难地行驶。
- Some Consideratios in Design of High-Power GaAs FET Bias Circuit 偏置电路设计中的有关问题
- I flap the flies away but soon they fly back. 我把苍蝇赶走,但一会儿又飞回来了。
- I never lend books; you never get them back. 我的书决不外借,因为总是有去无回。
- She leaned her head back and whispered the news. 她向后仰着头,小声说出了这个消息。
- The talks have been put back to Friday morning. 谈判推迟到星期五早上进行。