- In or to a lower place; beneath. 在下面:在或到较低位置;在下面。
- To fall from a higher to a lower place or position. 从较高地方或位置落到落低地方或位置。
- To move from a higher to a lower place; come or go down. 下来从较高的地方移到较低的地方;降下。
- The performer hold in arms tightly with two hands to the back lower limbs, rubbing from up to the joint of ankle repeatedly for three to six times. 施术者双手掌心对置受术者下肢后侧肌肉,稍用力抱紧,自上而下揉至踝关节处反复三至六次。
- The vermin that scurry around in low places. 在阴暗角落里乱窜的害虫.
- Gerrard on the left pulls back low to the edge of the area when all were expecting a high ball into the box. 利物浦在左边获得任意球,当所有人皆以为会是吊球进禁区之际,杰拉德却传贴地球到禁区顶。
- These two sensations are like water--always flowing from a higher place to a lower place. 这两种感觉就像水--总是高处流向低处。
- To lower place machine and superordination machine, serial news report hardware and software realize the main body of a book having carried out design. 本文对下位机与上位机串行通讯的硬件和软件实现进行了设计。
- Hat you have to do is just keep the place tidy. Tidy up everything. Move all the trailers to the other side, to a lower place. 你们应该保持这里的整洁,任何东西都要收拾整,把所有拖车都移到另一边较低的地方去,知道为什么吗?
- When it shall hail, coming down on the forest; and the city shall be low in a low place. 但要降冰雹打倒树林。城必全然拆平。
- Haunt: A cenote or “low place” that has been claimed by a Sin-Eater, krewe, or other entity. 灵巢:一个被代罪者,聚灵社或者其它实体占据的阴阳井,或者说"低地"
- This thesis is based on the ARM processor.It studied the communications and orders between the superordination machine and the lower place machine. 本论文主要以基于ARM处理器,研究实现上下位机间的通信,达到上位机控制下位机,下位机向上位机反馈信息的目的。
- Now, we are at the hottest, driest and lowest place in North America. 现在,我们位于北美洲最热,最干燥,也是地势最低的地区。
- The grandfather clock was back in its old place. 落地式大摆钟已放回原处了。
- Rose bushes shoot again after being cut back. 玫瑰丛修剪後还能再长出新枝。
- Place a small pitcher of water or juice on a low refrigerator shelf and a glass in a low place so your child can be independent in getting a drink. 在冰箱低层放一小罐水或果汁,并在低处放一个杯子,这样孩子可以自己取饮料。
- Operation: rotating the handwheel, the visitors can bring water from the lower place up to the higher place in the groove through the barrels fixed in the chain waterwheel. 操作:观众转动链式水车的手轮,将水槽内低水位的水,通过链子水车上安装的水桶,将水提升到水车顶部的水槽里。
- After a brief rally share fall back to a new low. 股票经过一次短暂回升后回落到一个新的低点。
- It's very safe in a high place, and it's very dangerous in a low place. Because there is little water in the high place, there is much water in the low place. 高处安全低处险,因为高处水少低处水多。
- He trudge three hour in the snow to get back home. 他在雪中跋涉三个钟点才回到家。