- Some babies cry during the night. 有些婴儿夜里哭闹。
- I heard a baby cry at the next door last night. 昨晚我听见隔壁有婴儿啼哭。
- Babies cry by instinct when they are hungry. 婴儿饿的时候,本能地哭起来。
- The baby cried the whole trip home. 这个婴儿一路哭到家
- Steven: No, for me. I hear that babies cry all night. 史蒂文:不,是给我用的。我听说孩子整夜都哭。
- I heard the baby crying at the top of his lungs. 我听见那婴儿在放声大哭。
- He baby cried the whole trip home. 在整个回家的路上孩子都在哭。
- Baby cries and lady mumble stuffed my ears. 婴儿的哭闹和大人的呢喃安慰我没有办法听不见。
- He made the baby crying all night long. 他让那个婴儿哭了一整夜。
- Isn't it a wonder as a newborn baby cries? 新生的婴儿啼哭的时候,不是很奇妙么?
- I fancied I could hear a baby crying. 我好像听到有婴儿在哭。
- Steven: The baby cries all night. 史蒂文:孩子整夜地哭。
- The baby cried loudly when he emptied his bottle. 婴儿喝干了瓶子里的东西就大哭起来。
- Every time I hear a newborn baby cry, Or touch a leaf, or see the sky, then I know why, I believe! 每当听到新生儿的哭声或触摸一片叶子或凝望天空!
- The baby crys louldly without reason. 那个婴儿不知为什么大哭起来。
- They told him it was babyish to cry. 他们对他说,哭是幼稚的。
- The baby cried all the way home. 小孩子在回家的路上哭了一路。
- The baby cried herself to sleep. 婴儿哭着哭着就睡着了。
- On the roller coaster ride That my emotions have to take me on I heard a newborn baby cry Through the night. 满月我的感情似一场云霄飞车之旅我听到一个初生婴儿的啼哭在夜里响起。
- I hear babies cry, I watch them grow, they'll learn much more than I'll never know. 我听到婴儿的哭泣,看到他们从呀呀学语长成大人,他们将一边学习一边成长。看到这一切,我心中想,这是多麼美好的世界呀。