- b form credit 乙式信用状
- The information asymmetry of credit market causes credit admeasure appearance, form credit gap then. 信贷 市场 的 信息 不对 称 导致 信贷 配 给现 象,进而 形 成信 贷缺 口 。
- AIM To establish the differential scanning calorimetric (DSC) methodology for controlling the crystal type B form of nateglinide. 目的建立控制那格列奈B型晶体限度的DSC法。
- The method was applied to the studies of B form monoclinic insulin crystal and DHI crystal.This method was proved to be reliable by the results. 经过我们将此方法应用于酚胰岛素和去B链羰端六肽胰岛素的旋转函数求解,计算结果证实了这种积分半径的估算方法的可靠性。
- B: What's the limit on your credit card? 你的额度多少呀?
- In English, b, p, m and w are bilabials. 英语中的b、p、m、w为双唇音。
- Are you paying in cash or by credit card? B: Cash. 您是现金支付还是用信用卡付账?现金支付。
- C comes after B in the alphabet. 在字母表中C接在B后面。
- Nothing could b i further from the tr Credit uth! 这完全与事实真相!
- The "b" in "comb" is not sounded. comb这个词里的"b"是不发音的。
- The old woman does not know from A to B. 这位老太太一字不识。
- B comes before C in the alphabet. B在字母表里排在C之前。
- B: No wonder it has such a strange form. 怪不得它的形式这么奇怪。
- B fills in the form and hands it to A. B填表,交给A。
- B:Would you please fill in the application form? 请您填一下申请表。
- Have you completed Parts B and C of this Form? 阁下是否已填妥本表格之B及C部?
- Line A is four times the length of line B. 线条
- B: Peony Credit Card is a kind of bank card settled on RMB. 牡丹信用卡是以人民币结算的银行卡。
- Many letters in the alphabet such as b, c, d, etc are consonants. 字母表中的许多字母像b,c,d,等等都是辅音字母。
- Tax credit on domestic breeding stocks and genetic materials b. 菲律宾本土的牲畜和基因材料的税收抵免。