- The back axle of the bus was broken. 公共汽车的后轴断了。
- Friction causes a rolling ball to stop finally. 摩擦力使滚动的球最终停了下来。
- Constant friction wore out the heels of my shoes. 不断的摩擦磨损了我的鞋跟。
- Friction between two sticks can create a fire. 两个棍棒相互摩擦能起火。
- An axle or journal box, as on a railway car, that has become overheated by excessive friction. 热轴由于过分摩擦而变得过热的轮轴或轴颈箱,如火车上的
- The garage mechanic find a crack in the back axle of the car. 汽车修理厂的机修工发现汽车的后车轴上有一条裂缝。
- In the absence of friction belted machinery would not be used. 没有摩擦力,皮带传动的机器就无法使用。
- axle friction 轮轴摩擦
- The part of a machine shaft or axle supported by a bearing. 轴颈机械的转动轴或轮轴中由轴承所支撑的部分
- The garage mechanic found a crack in the back axle of the car. 汽车修理厂的机修工发现汽车的後车轴上有一条裂缝。
- Matches are lighted by friction. 火柴由摩擦而生火。
- There is a great deal of friction between the management and the work force. 劳资双方之间存在大量矛盾。
- They weld the pieces of a broken axle. 他们焊接断了的车轴。
- A friction match with a large head capable of burning in a wind. 耐风大头火柴一种能够在风中燃烧的通过磨擦点火的大头火柴
- Thus a wheel revolves on its axle. 于是,轮子在轴上旋转。
- He is welding the pieces of a broken axle. 他正在焊接断了的车轴。
- Friction lowers the efficiency of a machine. 摩擦减低机器的效率。
- The taxi driver set the wheel on the axle. 出租车司机把轮子装在轴上。
- You could not walk if there were not some friction. 假若没有摩擦,你就不能行走。
- The back axle of the bus is broken. 这辆公共汽车的后车轴坏了。