- axiomatic potential theory 公理位势论
- There is, however, another completely different approach which is founded in potential theory. 但是还有另外一种完全不同的方法,这种方法是在势论中找到的。
- In linear potential theory regime, a problem on the oscillations of the harbours of arbitrary shape and constant depth in open ocean was analyzed. 摘要利用线性势流理论对定常水深且置于广阔海域中的任意形状港湾在入射波作用下的港内振动进行了研究。
- The calculation method for the static activity by the absorbing potential theory was introduced in the absorption Process design. 介绍了在吸附工艺设计中,运用吸附位势理论确定静活性的计算方法。
- The traditional three-dimensional potential theory was used to analyze the hydrodynamic forces and motion responses of two hinged bodies in waves. 摘要用三维势流理论分析了两个铰接的单体在波浪的作用下所受的水动力和各自的运动响应。
- A numerical method based on potential theory was developed to simulate nonlinear wave transformation over a submerged breakwater. 使用该模型对二个已有的物理模型实验进行计算,比较了长波和短波越过潜堤时波浪变形特性的异同。
- A theoretical study of diagonal wave forces acting on partially perforated caisson breakwater with transverse walls is performed based on the linear potential theory. 基于线性势流假定,对斜向波作用下带横隔板局部开孔沉箱防波堤的水平波浪力进行了理论研究。
- According to Mr Zhang's vector potential theory, SP doesn't generated or originated from dipole layers but curl sources in the borders of dipole layers. 根据张庚骥先生的向量势理论,自然电位不是由偶极层产生,而是由旋度源产生,旋度源在偶极层的边缘。
- This paper calculate the motion response of two floating bodies in irregular waves by means of three-dimensional potential theory,considering their coupling fluence. 采用三维势流理论计算不规则波中的两浮箱的运动响应,其中考虑了它们之间相互作用的影响。
- Based on the complex potential theory and the theory of chink flow in fluids,in this article,a solution is presented to calculate the pressure distribution in air-cushion field of arbitrary array and multiple supply holes in retangular pad platform. 本文应用流体的复势函数理论及缝隙流动理论,建立了对矩形支承板上均匀分布的、任意布孔方式的、多供气孔都有意义的气垫场主参数的计算方法和公式;
- For subsonic aerodynamic analysis, Linearized Velocity Potential Theory is used to evaluate the aerodynamic coefficient, and we can get subsonic aerodynamic model of vehicle by Regression Analysis. 在进行亚音速气动分析时,应用线化速度势理论计算运载器的气动力系数,而后进行回归分析,得到运载器亚音速飞行时的气动特性模型。
- According to Hasan's generic structure potential theory, a generic structure is constituted of the obligatory elements, the optional elements, their recursive elements and their sequence. 根据哈桑的语类结构潜势理论,语类结构由必选成分和可选成分及其重复成分和顺序组成。
- Inviscid three-dimensional extreme free surface wave motions in infinite water-depth are simulated using a novel quadratic higher-order boundary element model (HOBEM) based on potential theory. 摘要基于势流理论提出一种新的高阶边界元方法对无限水深的聚焦波浪进行完全非线性数值模拟。
- He tried in every way to verify this theory. 他想一切办法来验证这个理论。
- It is axiomatic (to say) that a whole is greater than any of its parts. 整体大於其任何一部分是公理。
- I entirely approve of that theory. 我完全赞成那种理论。
- Education develops potential abilities. 教育能开发人的潜能。
- Einstein put forward his new theory of relativity. 爱因斯坦提出了相对论的新学说。
- It is axiomatic that life is not always easy. 生活并不总是一帆风顺是明摆着的事实。
- This concept is at the very core of her theory. 这个概念是她理论的核心。