- The smell of the gas oil lingered in the house. 屋里仍然飘溢着汽油味。
- Research on feasibility of electric submersible pump application in high gas oil ratio oil well in some oil field block is made. 针对部分高含气油藏的特点,探讨使用潜油电泵的可行性。
- The product is separated by distillation into gasoline and gas oil. 这种产品是用蒸馏分离出气油和粗柴油。
- The coker gas oil was refined by benzyl alcohol extraction. 以苄醇为溶剂,用萃取方法提高了焦化柴油的质量。
- The axial droplet velocity profile is nearly linear across the pipe section, and is different from the axial gas velocity profile. 液滴速度与气相速度分布不同,在垂直方向上液滴的轴向速度近乎呈线性分布。
- The results for Alberta asphaltenes and Cold Lake gas oil are presented. 给出了Alberta4种沥青质和ColdLake瓦斯油的结构基团分析结果。
- Colour stability of coker gas oil has been improved by DMF extraction. 以二甲基亚砜为萃取溶剂,用溶剂萃取的方法提高焦化柴油的颜色安定性。
- The gasolene, kerosene, and the gas oil fractions are purified to remove unwanted materials, mainly sulphur compounds. 汽油,煤油,和气体油馏分被提纯以去除不想要的物质,主要是硫化物。
- axial gas-oil muhiphase pump 轴流式油气混输泵
- This agent can selectively remove basic nitrogen compounds from coker gas oil and the refined oil yield is over 97%. 该工艺采用研制的脱氮用精制剂,该精制剂为一种酸性络合剂,能选择性脱除焦化蜡油中的碱性氮化物,精制后油的收率97%25以上。
- Itis recommended that the raffinate from fur fural extraction of coker gas oil will be a good FCC feedstock. 认为焦化蜡油糠醛精制抽余油是一种优质的催化裂化原料。
- Advances in the technologies and catalysts for heavy distillates and gas oil hydrotreatment were reviewed. 总结和回顾了国内外重馏分油加氢处理技术的最新研究进展。
- The result shown that the technical plant of increasing dry point and output of feed-stocks, using gas oil with heavy eth... 结果表明,提高乙烯原料干点,增加乙烯原料产量,减一线油掺入重乙烯原料,用作生产乙烯的技术方案是可行的。
- The economic evaluation showed that the et hylene cost can be reduced by 25%than that of gas oil pipe still pyrolysis proc ess. 经济评价结果表明,该工艺与石脑油管式炉裂解工艺相比,可使乙烯成本降低约25%25。
- The evaluation of catalytic pyrolysis catalyst using Daqing vacuum gas oil as feed stock was carried out on a heavy oil micro reactor. 采用重油微反应装置,以大庆蜡油为原料对催化裂解催化剂进行了反应评价。
- The heavier distillations, such as gas oil, undergo various other processes, of which the most important is known as cracking. 重馏,如柴油,需要经历几个额外步骤,其中最重要的是分裂蒸馏。
- Fuel used for internal combustion in diesel engines; usually that fraction which distills after kerosene; similar to gas oil. 用于在柴油机内部燃烧的燃料,一般是在煤油以后蒸馏出来的馏分,与瓦斯油类似。
- Carry gas oil, alcohol, firecracker to wait combustible explode easily the person of article also should not sit elevator fluctuation building. 携带气油、酒精、鞭炮等易燃易爆物品的人也不应该坐电梯上下楼。
- The effects of catalyst composition and properties on yield distribution of catalytic cracking of coker gas oil containing feedstocks were studied. 探讨了以减压瓦斯油掺炼部分焦化蜡油为进料时催化剂组成及性能对催化裂化产品分布等的影响。
- The axial pump has a broad scope in futu... 轴流泵具有广阔的临床应用前景。