- aviation weather information 航空天气
- Is there a number to call for weather information? 有电话号码去询问气象资料吗?
- New weather information just came in. 新气象信息刚被采用
- Airline operators and crew members can also retrieve flight documents and other weather information from their own offices through the Aviation Meteorological Information Dissemination System. 航空公司的飞行策划人员及飞行人员亦可透过航空气象资料发送系统取得飞行气象文件及其他气象资料。
- At this site you can have a quick look at weather information. 你可以在该网站浏览天气情况。
- They were very impressed by the achievements of the Observatory in the provision of aviation weather service. 他们对天文台的航空气象工作,十分赞扬。
- Performance measurement generates benefits for aviation weather products, services. 性能测试为航空气象产品和服务产生效益。
- Fig.19 Representatives of CAAC/ATMB and HKO exchanging ideas on aviation weather services in the seminar. 图19空管局及天文台代表在研讨会中就航空气象服务交换意见。
- We all use weather information of one kind or another,mostly to make decisions. 我们大家都利用这种或那种天气信息,多半是借以作出判断。
- As the result of years of dedication to service improvement, the Observatory is now at the forefront of the world in aviation weather service. 经过多年提高服务品质的努力,香港天文台的航空气象服务现位居世界前列。
- The provision of aviation weather services is to contribute towards the safety, regularity and efficiency of international aircraft operations. 提供航空气象服务的目标在于对国际航空的安全、规律性及效率作出贡献。
- HKO and CAACATMB introduced their aviation weather services to each other, and exchanged views in respect of future cooperation and data communication. 在研讨会中,天文台和空管局互相介绍本身的气象服务,并就未来的合作和资料通讯方面交换意见。
- The aviation weather forecaster is responsible for issuing weather forecasts and warnings for the airport, and supervising operation of AMO. 航空天气预报员负责为机场发出天气预报和警报,及监督机场气象所的运作。
- Among the articles inside the time capsule, two items represent important milestones for aviation weather service in Hong Kong. 在各样放进时间囊的物件当中,有两件标志著航空气象服务的重要里程碑。
- Weather information is also provided to commercial communications and paging services which make it available on various electronic media. 天文台又为多间商业通讯和传呼服务公司提供天气资料,市民可透过不同电子媒介获得这些资料。
- During the seminar, the Observatory will present the experience in running its aviation weather services, in particular, in raising the service quality. 研讨会在香港举行反映香港航空气象服务在国际社会举足轻重。会议期间,天文台将介绍香港航空气象服务尤其是提高服务质素方面的经验。
- To improve the situation, the Observatory has developed an in-house Weather Information Display System. 为此,天文台自行开发了一套天气资讯显示系统。
- Like other aviation weather offices around the world, the Observatory provides airport weather reports and forecast at regular intervals to support flight operations. 一如世界各地的航空气象机构,天文台亦定时提供机场天气报告和预报,支援飞行业务。
- The products range from runway winds, satellite cloud images to en-route and destination weather information. 这包括了跑道上的风速风向、卫星云图、以至航道和目的地机场的天气资讯。
- We all use weather information of one kind or another, mostly to make decisions. 我们大家都利用这种或那种天气信息,多半是借以作出判断。