- An average amount of exercise is enough to keep it happy. 均衡的运动会让他们开心。
- The book contained a large amount of information. 这本书里包含着大量的信息.
- Log the maximum amount of information. 记录最多信息。
- Or control the amount of information logged? 或者说要如何控制记录下来的日志信息的数量?
- An awesome amount of information is stored in each video disk. 每个电视唱片可存贮数量惊人的信息。
- An arbitrary amount of information whose beginning and end are defined or implied. 一组任意量的信息,其起始和结束是确定的或隐含的。
- average amount of information 平均信息量
- We've received a large amount of information from outer space. 我们已从外层空间收到了大量的信息。
- The amount of information that a cathode ray tube screen displays. 阴极射线管屏幕所显示的信息总量。
- The average amount of system memory used by the database cache manager to hold commonly used information from the database files to prevent file operations. 数据库缓存管理器为了避免文件操作而保留数据库文件中的常用信息所使用的平均系统内存量。
- The video disk stores an awesome amount of information. 电视唱片贮存着数量惊人的信息。
- Average amount of audio data transferred to playback device per unit of time. 音频数据在每单位时间里传输到播放设备的平均数量。
- It has rich content and a large amount of information. 专业与行业相结合,技术与经济相结合,工艺与设备相结合是本刊特色。
- There's an amazing amount of information for expectant mothers. 给未来准妈妈们的资料数量多得惊人。
- A cumulative measure of the average amount of time an audience spends listening to a station within a daypart. 收听时间对听众在某一时段内收听广播的平均时间的累计测量。
- Average amount of wait time (in milliseconds) for each lock request that resulted in a wait. 每个导致等待的锁请求的平均等待时间(毫秒)。
- The average amount of time spent on virtual networking is nearly three hours a week, or six days a year. 宽带用户用于虚拟网络社交的平均时间为每周近三个小时,相当于每年六天。
- Memo fields are useful for storing large amounts of information. “备注”字段适用于存储大量信息。
- Average Collection PeriodThe average amount of time required to collect an account receivable. 平均收款周期收回应收账款的平均时间长度。
- A fixed number of trees are planted every year to replenish the forest, and there is an average amount of time for trees to reach maturity. 同时,每年种植固定数量的树以填补森林缺少树木的空缺,然后经过一段平均时间,树木就生长成熟。