- average wage scale coefficient 平均工资等级系数
- Personal Finance of Average Wage Earners? 薪水族,如何轻松理财?
- What's the average wage in this country? 这个国家的平均工资是多少?
- The wage scale shall be raised gradually on the basis of economic development. 工资水平在经济发展的基础上逐步提高。
- The average wage earner in China squirrels away a quarter of annual income. 中国工薪阶层一般会将年收入的四分之一用于储蓄。
- After discounting for changes in consumer prices,the average wage rate increased by 4.4 percent in real terms. 扣除消费物价的变动后,平均工资实际增加了4.;4%25。
- Insurant with oneself average wage is one days base of pay cost wage presses the regular pay that compare profit cost of primary endowment insurance. 被保险人以本人一年月平均工资为缴费工资基数按一定比利缴纳基本养老保险费。
- On the streets of Harare, people ask how much a flight to London costs, what an average wage is there, what work is available. 在哈拉雷的街头巷尾,人们忙著探问到伦敦的机票要多少钱,那里平均工资又是多少,有什麽样的工作机会。
- After discounting for changes in consumer prices, the average wage rate increased by 4.4 per cent in real terms. 扣除消费物价的变动后,平均工资实际增加了4.;4%25。
- With key operation,edit any wave table and changes timer parameter and scale coefficient, achieve any waveform of capturing and adjusts waveform frequency and range purpose. 通过按键编辑任意波表;改变定时器参数和比例因子;达到任意波获取、波形频率和幅度数字调节目的.
- Pay cost base presses past years of whole city worker of average wage 120% affirmatory. 缴费基数按全市职工历年平均工资的120%25确定。
- With the average wage about 18,000 rubles a month, about half of Russians have no savings at all, according to polls. 调查显示,俄罗斯平均工资为每月18,000卢布,大约一半的俄罗斯民众没有任何积蓄。
- If you carry the cabinet of cabbage garbage to the garage, you ll get an average wage. 如果你把这橱柜包菜垃圾扛进了汽车库;你将获得一份平均工资.
- One rapidly growing pile is for a telemarketing job paying less than a third of the city’s average wage. 就连不到当地平均工资三分之一薪酬的电话销售岗位也迎来了一摞不断增高的简历。
- If you carry the cabinet of cabbage garbage to the garage, you'll get an average wage. 如果你把这橱柜包菜垃圾扛进了汽车库,你将获得一份平均工资。
- The theoretical study shows that static unbalance of the rotor was proportional to displacement of the rotor ;the larger displacement scale coefficient, the higher measuring accuracy. 理论研究表明:转子的静不平衡量与转子的偏移成正比;位移比例系数越大,测量精度越高。
- Complete member labor productivity is very tall, often be its the decuple left and right sides of average wage. 全员的劳动生产率很高,往往为其平均工资的十倍左右。
- One rapidly growing pile is for a telemarketing job paying less than a third of the city's average wage. 有一份电话推销的职位,薪水还不到这个城市平均工资水平的三分之一,但前来申请的人仍然络绎不绝。
- If you carry the cabinet of cabbage garbage to the garage you'll get an average wage. 假如你把这橱柜包菜垃圾扛进了汽车库你将获得一份平均工资.
- If you carry the cabi of cabbage garbage to the garage, you'll get an average wage. 如果你把这橱柜包菜垃圾扛进了汽车库;你将获得一份平均工资.