- average total inspection [ATI] 平均总检验数
- average total inspection 平均检验数
- Average total cost(ATC): is total cost per unit of output. 平均总成本:是每单位产量的总成本。
- The features of new electro-optic products are ana lyzed,and a scheme of the total inspection substituted for the sampling inspect ion is proposed. 分析新型光电产品的特点,提出以全数检验替代以前光学产品采用抽样检验的方案。
- Future $: Average total rebill revenue earned by the affiliate due to sales from a site. Generally this equates to the average sum of all rebills. 每推销一个产品获得的收入的平均数,注意这个是网络实际销售所得的平均数,所以他受(退款,营业税,短期销售)影响,短期销售,例如退票支票,并不影响这个数字。
- An increase in a variable cost shifts the total cost (TC), average total cost (ATC), and marginal cost (MC) curves upward. 可变成本增加使总成本曲线,平均成本曲线,和边际成本曲线向上移动。
- An increase in a fixed cost shifts the total cost (TC) and average total cost (ATC) curves upward but does not shift the marginal cost (MC) curve. 固定成本增加使总成本曲线和平均成本曲线向上移动,但不能使边际成本曲线移动。
- Economies of Scope An economic theory stating that the average total cost of production decreases as a result of increasing the number of different goods produced. 范畴经济认为生产货品种类越多,平均生产成本越低的经济理论。
- The average total score of the experimental group was 74.63 and that of the control group was 71.46, p=0,041 (p<0.05) showing the significant differences in them. 46;p=0.;041(p<0
- High average total benthic biomass of 19.7g/m2 was registered in February and 23.4g/ m2 in May as against much lower biomass of 12.7 g/ m2in August and 19.6 g/ m2 in November. 底栖生物的平均总生物量以2月和5月较高;分别为19.;7g/m2和23
- Sufficient tagged recaptures were made to obtain reliable estimates of average total length and standard deviation of total length for 1 and 2 year old released flounder. 有足够数量的被捉回的带标记的比目鱼使我们获得了对1岁和2岁被放逐的比目鱼的平均总寿命和标准总寿命误差的可靠估计.
- If the price is between average total cost and average variable cost at the profit-maximizing output, then the firm is said to be in a loss-minimizing condition. 一个公司被认为是一个正常的利润时,其经济利润为零。便会出现这种情况的平均总成本等于价格在利润最大化输出。
- The average total cost increases at low levels of output and decreases at high levels of output. Changes in the prices of resources shift the cost curves. 在很低的产出水平上,平均总成本增加;在很高的产出水平上,平均总成本减少。资源价格变动使成本曲线移动。
- Compared with a two stage Vdd and Vth voltage assignment with gate sizing algorithm in [13], our algorithm also consume 4.2% and 9.7% less average total power than it. 和一个分成两阶段的演算法作比较,我们在中活性与低活性里,也分别可以比他们的演算法减少4.;2%25和9
- Subjects with higher folate intake had slightly lower average systolic blood pressure and lower average total cholesterol levels than those who ate less folate. 与摄入较少叶酸的受试者相比,叶酸摄入量更高的受试者平均收缩压轻微降低,平均总胆固醇水平降低。
- Annual average total incidence of acute infectious disease Gaozhou City in fifty years was 1 288.32 per hundred thousand, and the annual average total mortality was 7.27 per hundred thousand. 高州市50年的急性传染病年均总发病率为1288.;32/10万;年均总死亡率为7
- We obtained the average total length and the stander deviation of total length of flounder for each age, by month, from the measurement data on the tagged flounder for which age was known. 我们从对知道其年龄并为其贴上标签的比目鱼的以月为单位的测量数据中;得到了每个年龄段的比目鱼平均总寿命及其较稳定的误差.
- The average age of the boys in this class is fifteen. 本班男生的平均年龄是十五岁。
- Results Annual average total incidence of acute infectious disease Gaozhou City in fifty years was1288.32per hundred thousand,and the annual average total mortality was7.27per hundred thou-sand. 总发病率最高是1954年的10335.;80/10万,最低是1999年的53
- The average output of the factory is 20 cars a day. 该工厂的平均产量是每天20辆汽车。