- In stead of people starving, the average standard of living rose. 人们并没有挨饿,相反生活平均水平都提高了。
- An increase in population usually leads to a drop in the average standard of living. 人口的增长常常会导致生活水平的下降。
- Prudent man always fits his standard of living to his budget. 谨慎的人总是使他的生活水平符合他的收支预算。
- Both the cost and the standard of living were lower before the war. 战前生活费用和生活水准都比较低。
- Their standard of living steadily sank down. 他们的生活水平不断下降。
- People rs standard of living is higher day by day. 人民的生活水平日益提高。
- Their standard of living is very low. 他们的生活水平很低。
- They lead a high standard of living. 他们生活水平很高。
- The standard of living has improved greatly. 生活的标准已经大大提高。
- It seems as if standard of living has gone down. 生活水准似乎降低了。
- People's standard of living is higher day by day. 人民的生活水平日益提高。
- The nation's standard of living has gone up. 国家的生活水准已提升了。
- There were always rich and poor, and in some ways the gap between them increased in the Hellenistic world, although the average standard of life certainly rose. 贫富差别总是存在,在希腊化时期,虽然人们的平均生活水平的确提高了,贫富差距却越来越大。
- The Swiss standard of living is high. 瑞士的生活费高。
- Earnings determine standard of living. 所得决定生活水准.
- average standard of living 平均生活标准
- You can not have a high standard of living with out economic plan. 没有经济规划就不会有高生活水准。
- The so-called revolution scarcely seemed to have impinged upon the habits and standard of living of the wealthy. 那场所谓的革命似乎对富人们的生活习惯和生活水平没什么影响。
- Yet the average standard of language learning is abysmally low, particularly for such a highly literate and educated society. 但其国民平均外语水平低得可怜,这与其高度文明、教育发达的社会极不相称。
- Standards of living here are relatively high. 这里的生活水准比较高。