- Average Price Put A type of option where the payoff is either zero or the amount by which the strike price exceeds the average price of the asset. 平均价格出售期权一种期权,其收益为零或相等于行使价格高于资产平均价格的金额。
- average price put 平均价格出售期权
- The average price of gas is eight million dollars. 煤气的均价是八百万美元。
- The average price is 3000 RMB/ square meter. 每平米的平均价位是3000元人民币。
- The average price was $3.46 a gallon last month. 上个月的平均油价为每加仑3.;46美元。
- Many RTR packages are sold with price put before features. 许多rtr包出售的价格把之前的特点。
- Insider trading raised the average price and price volatility. 内幕交易使股票的平均价格上升,但也增加了价格的波动性。
- The average price of common stocks increased nearly 300 per cent. 普通证券的平均价格,增长了近百分之三百。
- The average price of a Big Mac in four American cities is $2.71. 在美国四个城市的巨无霸的平均价格是%242.;71。
- The rise in prices put my calculations badly out. 物价的上涨使我的计算出了大差错。
- The average price of houses near the Link over 2% to 5.2% maximum. 其中,内环线附近房价平均涨幅超过2%25,最高达到5.;2%25。
- Just 13 states have average prices beloe $4. 全国范围内,仅有13个州的油价位于4美元以下。
- Administrative organization reflects the level of the average price. 管理机构反映的是平均价格水平;
- To buy or sell more goods or shares to obtain more than an average price. 维持(有利的)平均价格买进或卖出额外的货物或股票以维持高于平均的价格
- LOW PRICES - The average price of a micromount is $3. 低价---平均微矿晶价钱是%243元。
- Mr Doig is still trying to come to terms with the price put on his work.His accomplished Tate show ought to help him do so. 道格仍希望人们能够认识到他的作品的价值,在泰特艺术中心的个人展正在帮助他完成这个心愿。
- The Premiership champions are desperate to land the powerful youngster but have thus far failed to stump up the asking price put forward by Lyon. 英超冠军在购入这位强力中场新秀一事上几近绝望,但是果断拒绝接受里昂提出的报价。
- Clamping: computed on the same day frequently in the "buy three," and "sells three" position simultaneously hang up big bills, After the sale price put on constantly shifting. 夹板式:即在当日上攻时经常在"买三"和"卖三"位置上同时挂出大单子,之后把买卖价位不断上移。
- The forecast loss for 2005 is based on an average price for the benchmark Brent crude oil of $43 a barrel. 2005年的亏损预测是基于基准的布伦特原油每桶43美元的平均价格。
- The average price in the 10 designated U.S. spot markets declined in March for the fourth consecutive month. 已经得知的美国十个现货市场的平均价格三月份已经是第四个月连续下跌。