- average corrosion rate 平均腐蚀速度
- The monitoring data show that the corrosion rate of the produced water from 7 oil wells with SCIC placed decreases from 0.138 mm/a to 0.023 mm/a in average, that is, CIR=83%. 根据7口油井的检测数据;下入GTH后采出水的腐蚀速率平均由0.;138mm/a降至0
- The experiment results show that the average yearly corrosion rate of 20(superscript #) steel before hot-dip aluminizing is three to six times of that after hot-dip aluminizing. 实验结果表明,2(上标%23)钢热浸镀铝前的平均年腐蚀速率是热浸镀铝后平均年腐蚀速率的3到6倍。
- While the chipping water applied in the process of circulation cooling water, the average corrosion velocity is 0. 切粒水回用于循环水冷却水系统过程中,腐蚀速率较高,平均为0。
- Once tube wall is overheated, oxidation corrosion rate is not only accelerated, hut also the tube performance is rapidly deteriorated. 一旦管壁过热不仅加速氧化腐蚀速率,且急剧恶化管材性能。
- Heat treatment improves the corrosion rate of the alloys, except T6 treated AZ91D alloy. 与铸态合金腐蚀速度相比,黄正华西安理工大学硕士学位论文热处理提高合金腐蚀速度(T6处理态AZ91D合金除外)。
- The increase of H_2SO_3 accelerated the anodic process and accelerated the corrosion rate of A_3 steel. 向溶液中加入H2SO3,会促进A3钢腐蚀反应阳极过程的进行,使A3钢的腐蚀速率加快;
- With the temperature increased, corrosion rate became higher due to increase of film thickness and condensation rate. 当湿气温度较高时,腐蚀速率随液膜厚度、冷凝速率和液膜温度的增加而增大。
- Relatively,the corrosion rate of Zn deposit was higher in Jiangjin than that in other places. 通过数据处理可知,锌防护层在江津的腐蚀率最高,青岛其次,海南万宁次之,武汉腐蚀率最低。
- The contrast of galvanic current determined by ACM to corrosion rate of A3 steel showed that it was practicable to monitor corrosion of rain with ACM. ACM测量的电偶电流随雨水pH值的变化与失重法测量的A3钢的腐蚀速率随雨水pH值变化的结果对比表明,利用ACM监测降雨对A3钢的腐蚀性是可行的。
- RCPT and chloride ion diffusion test may be applied to assess the concrete durability besides rebar corrosion rate measurement. 但利用快速氯离子渗透试验(RCPT)、氯离子扩散试验与钢筋腐蚀试验可评估其耐久性。
- The deposition rate, microhardness, corrosion rate of low temperature iron plating layer at different temperatures are investigated. 摘要研究了在不同温度下获得的低温镀铁层的沉积速率、显微硬度、腐蚀速率等性能。
- On the basis of corrosion test data and their statistical analysis, the relationship between alloying elements and corrosion rate has been derived. 在典型的制盐生产工艺使用的卤水介质中,进行了不同成分的低合金钢的腐蚀试验。
- The adaptability of estimate corrosion rate by Faraday's law were discussed based the results of accelerated electrochemical corrosion experiments. 通过电化学锈蚀试验结果分析,探讨了用法拉第定律估计锈蚀的适应性。
- The influence of hypochlorous ions, which was introduced by electrolysis of seawater, on corrosion rate was also studied. 试图厘清其主要的腐蚀与劣化机构,并分析电解海水产生交氯酸离子对于腐蚀速率的影响程度。
- Biofouling takes place on the coupons in this zone to some extend and may result in partial protection of coating surface and lower corrosion rate. 结果表明:3种镀层在潮差区均出现不同程度的生物污损,与全浸区相比其腐蚀速度明显降低;
- The deposit rate of condensed sulfuric acid from the stack gas is the key for determining the corrosion rate and the life of low-tempera. 冷凝酸液的沉积速度是决定低温面腐蚀速率和寿命的关键因素。
- The apparatus is used to measure the corrosion rate of mild steel inneutral medium with and without corrcoion inhibitor. 使用这套装置测定了碳钢在中性介质和添加缓蚀剂的中性介质中的腐蚀速率。
- The average age of the boys in this class is fifteen. 本班男生的平均年龄是十五岁。