- They train technical cardres in short course. 他们办短训班培养技术干部。
- They train technical cadres in short courses. 我们办短训班培养技术干部。
- China Employment Training Technical Instruction Center Occupational Skill Testing Authority Of Molss, P.R.China. 国家职业技能鉴定所。
- The train flashed by at high speed. 火车疾驶而过。
- The train is going at a high speed. 火车正在高速行进。
- The train was going at full speed. 火车在全速行驶。
- The average age of the boys in this class is fifteen. 本班男生的平均年龄是十五岁。
- The houses whirled past us as the train gathered speed. 火车越开越快,周围的房子在我们旁边一闪而过。
- The average output of the factory is 20 cars a day. 该工厂的平均产量是每天20辆汽车。
- His income is well below the average. 他的收入大大低于平均水平。
- The train slackened speed as we approached the station. 当我们快到车站时,火车减慢了速度。
- We fail one student per year on average. 我们平均每年有一个学生不及格。
- Meals average out at 5 per head. 膳食平均每人5英镑。
- All the seat-covers on the train had been torn by vandals. 列车上所有的椅套都被蓄意破坏者撕破了。
- On average we receive five letters each day. 我们平均每天收到五封信。
- Each household sold, on the average, two pigs. 平均每户交售了两口生猪。
- The train is attacked by guerilla. 火车受到游击队的袭击。
- Our reps make on average six calls day. 我们的销售代表平均每天打六次电话。
- The train is travelling at a speed of sixty miles an hour. 火车正以每小时六十英里的速度行驶。
- His work at school is below the average. 他的学业成绩在一般水平以下。