- availability of library books 文献利用率
- Besides, the openness of library collections, availability of media and special values are the three major factors of the publicness of library. 馆藏内容的公开性、载体的易得性及其独特价值是图书馆公众性的三大基石。
- With the merging of seminary, the network system of library in each campus should be integrated to share their resources and improve the availability of the resources. 随着高校的合并发展,各校区的图书馆网络系统需要整合以期实现资源共享,提高资源利用率。
- Library binding A durable type of case binding usually used for re-binding of library books. 图书馆式装订耐用的精装。是图书馆所採用的再装订方法。
- Library binding: A durable type of case binding usually used for re-binding of library books. 图书馆式装订:耐用的精装。是图书馆所采用的再装订方法。
- Programming library network by cluster can avoid interrupt of usability through the server provide redundancy design, so it greatly improves the high availability of library network system. 运用群集来规划图书馆网络,通过服务器提供的冗馀设计来避免可用性中断,从而大大提高了图书馆网络系统的可用性。
- Besides, the author also discussed the feasibility of library book reselection and also pointed out a few rules that should be observed when reselecting books. 探讨了新形势下,开展中文图书复选的可行性,以及复选的几种方法。
- Can you produce an exhaustive list of the library books? 你能否提供一份图书馆的全部藏书名单?
- prevent any loss of library books 防止图书散失
- overall arrangement of library books 藏书布局
- The stamp in the library book shows it must be returned tomorrow. 图书馆的书上的戳记表明,这本书必须在明天归还。
- Target for availability of the central site: 99.9%. 对中心站点的有效目标完成率为:99.;9%25。
- overall management of library books 藏书布局
- Pertaining to the availability of a resource for more than one user at the same time. 用于修饰或说明一种资源在同一时刻可供给多个用户使用的可用性。
- the construction of library book collections 馆藏建设
- resources of library book collection 馆藏资源
- The stamp in your library book shows it must be returned tomorrow. 你从图书馆借的书上的戳记表明,这本书必须明天归还。
- Bachelor of Library Science B.M. 图书馆学士。
- One area of contention is the availability of nursery care. 争论的一个方面是提供幼儿保育的可能性。
- Doctor of Library Science D.Mus. 图书馆博士。