- auxiliary materials expense 辅助材料费用
- Accept the parts and auxiliary materials as per parts list. 按照零件清单接收零件及辅助材料。
- Decide on optimum use of raw and auxiliary materials. 决定原材料和辅助材料的优化利用。
- The components and auxiliary materials, etc, supplied by party b are to be shipped from Japan to Henna. 收乙方提供的元件和辅助材料等将从日本装运至河南。
- Iron powder and admixture will be fed onto auxiliary materials stockyard by belt conveyor. 铁粉、混合材经破碎系统输送皮带机送入辅助原料堆场。
- The components and auxiliary materials,etc,supplied by party b are to be shipped from Japan to Henna. 收乙方提供的元件和辅助材料等将从日本装运至河南。
- This avoids cluttering up the core content with auxiliary material. 这样可以避免把核心内容与辅助资料混在一起。
- Plan for the timely purchasing of raw materials, auxiliary materials and tools to meet the demands of production. 负责根据生产的需要及时申请订购原材料,辅料和工具等。
- HVP powder is spray dried from the liquid HVP and other auxiliary materials through micro-en-capsulating process. 水解植物蛋白粉以水解植物蛋白液为原料,再辅以其他辅助原料经微胶囊包埋喷雾干燥而成。
- A push system, suppression, groove, welding workshop, with Cheng Pinku, the raw materials, auxiliary materials library. 有推制、压制、坡口、焊接车间,设有成品库、原材料库、辅助材料库。
- Define process relevant procedure steps that aim to use existing resources perfectly and to minimise quantity of raw and auxiliary materials. 详细说明相关製成的生產步骤,以希望对资源做到最佳利用,并且在满足使用要求的条件下消耗最少的原材料以及辅助材料。
- Raw materials, auxiliary materials, components, parts and packaging materials imported by the joint venture for production of export goods. 合营企业为生产出口产品,从国外进口的原材料、辅料、元器件、零部件和包装物料。
- "Warm" beer was produced with malt and rice as the main raw materials, with Chinese date, ginger and burnt malt as the auxiliary materials. 摘要以大麦芽、大米为主原料,大枣、生姜、焦香麦芽为辅料酿造暖啤的操作要点。
- Should any damage or defect be found in the components or auxiliary materials, you will immediately advise us to send replacements in time. 如发现零部件及辅助材料有损坏的或有缺失的,你方应立刻通知我方及时更换。
- Liquor bitterness could be reduced by the following methods: steaming of raw materials and auxiliary materials, adequate use of start... 原辅料清蒸、适当用曲、搞好生产卫生、严格工艺操作可降低白酒中苦味。
- The production techniques of wort with shelled barley flour as auxiliary materials by added enzyme method were studied systematically. 摘要系统地研究了以脱皮大麦粉为辅料、采用外加酶法制备麦汁的生产工艺。
- My company's main packaging materials and printing auxiliary materials, packaging products for customers with the processing and technical support. 我公司主营包装材料及印刷辅助材料,为客户提供包装产品的加工及技术支持。
- The main factors influencing rice fermentation covered caky starter, temperature, rice species, and auxiliary materials etc. 摘要影响大米发酵的主要因素有:酒饼(曲)、温度、米种、辅料等。
- The auxiliary materials and packing materials for the assembly shall be purchased by us on your behalf and that lost involved shall constitute a part of the assembling fee. 装配所需之辅助材料及包装物料由我方代购,所需费用构成装配费的一部分。