- auxiliary additive agents 添加剂
- The perchlorovinyl coatings are prepared with B20 rheological agent. The performances and the usages of B20 and other additive agents are introduced. 采用B20流变助剂生产过氯乙烯漆,介绍了B20等助剂的性能及使用方法。
- This article mainly introduces the preparation of petroleum pitch coal additive agent and the slurrying ability of coal on adding petroleum pitch. 主要介绍了石油沥青水煤浆添加剂的制备和在煤中掺入石油沥青的制浆性能。
- The influence of additive agents to properties of magnesium-oxychloride cement compound material is studied,based on the test results and academic analysis. 基于试验研究与理论分析结果,研究改性剂对氯氧镁水泥复合混凝土材料性能的影响;
- The process of wide temperature swift aluminium anodizing and it's mechanism of additive agent are studied. 研究了宽温快速阳极氧化工艺,对宽温快速阳极氧化添加剂的作用机理作了分析。
- The main ingredients of the dry cleaning agent are absorbing agent, mixed organic solvent,and small amount of additive agent. 本文介绍了喷雾干洗剂的主要成份是吸附剂、混合有机溶剂以及少量添加剂;
- In the experiments sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate acid was chosen as extractant, kerosene as solvent and TBP as additive agent. 以十二烷基苯磺酸钠为萃取剂,磺化煤油为稀释剂,磷酸三丁酯为调相剂。
- Cardanol modified phenolic formaldehyde resin was synthesized by using phenol 100 phr,cardanol 40 phr and adding an additive agent. 用100份苯酚(以质量计),加入40份腰果酚,并加入一种助剂合成腰果酚改性酚醛树脂。
- The research and development status of magnetic powders, binders and auxiliary additives in rubber-plastic magnet are introduced in this paper. 本文分别就橡塑磁体的磁粉、粘结剂和配合剂等的研究发展现状作了介绍,并对橡塑磁体需要进一步解决和研究的问题提出了几点看法。
- Method: The stability of iodine was studied using AEO as additive agent by conductance method.The changes were investigated at higher temperature. 方法:以AEO为添加剂通过电导法实验研究碘的稳定性,在加温情况下对碘的变化进行了观测。
- Using styrene-isoprene block copolymer(SIS)as the base material and some auxiliary additives,the SIS-based hot melt pressure sensitive adhesive(HMPSA)was prepared. 以SIS为主体原料,配合增粘树脂、增塑剂、防老剂等研制出SIS热熔压敏胶。
- Card pulls glue (CARRAGEENAN) serves as a kind of new-style additive agent for food, having the advantage that other colloid cannot replace. 卡拉胶(CARRAGEENAN)作为一种新型的食品添加剂,有着其它胶体不可替代的优越性。
- Cotton can be dyed after pre mordanting with addition agent. 植物染料加入助剂后可用于印染棉织物。
- Additional agents are triggered at this point of the transport pipeline. 在传输管道的此位置会触发其他代理。
- Using butyl rubber as the base material,tackifier and some auxiliary additives,the butyl rubber based hot-melt adhesive was prepared for favorable adhesiveness with PP,PC and metals. 以丁基橡胶为主体材料,加入增粘剂及其它助剂,研制了一种对PP、PC等非金属材料及金属材料皆有很好粘接性能的热熔胶。
- Abstract: This article mainly introduces the preparation of petroleum pitch coal additive agent and the slurrying ability of coal on adding petroleum pitch. 文摘:主要介绍了石油沥青水煤浆添加剂的制备和在煤中掺入石油沥青的制浆性能。
- When nanometer additive agent is added into plastic and the plastic is mixed and improved,the technical performance of the plastic pipes can reach the use standard in coal mines. 通过在塑料中加入纳米添加剂,进行混合改性处理,使塑料管材的技术性能达到煤矿井下的使用标准。
- The characterizaton of the catalyst was performed by XRD diffractor and the influences of different synthesis methods and additive agents to activity and selectivity were discussed. 研究中用XRD衍射仪对催化剂进行表征,讨论了不同制备方法和助剂对催化剂活性和选择性的影响。
- In the 1990s, two additional agents, irinotecan and oxaliplatin, were found to have activity against advanced colorectal cancer. 20世纪90年代出现的另外两个药物伊立替康和奥沙利铂被发现对晚期结直肠癌有效。
- We have an auxiliary generator in case of power cuts. 我们有一台万一断电时使用的备用发电机。