- autonomous abivity 自治能力
- The condition or quality of being autonomous; independence. 自主处于自主的状态或性质; 独立
- The university has remained defiantly autonomous. 该大学一直尽力维护它的自治权。
- Many disiplines became autonomous. 许多学科变成了自封的。
- Get to know the autonomous regions. 了解少数民族自治区。
- This country has nine autonomous regions. 这个国家分为九个自治区。
- I come from Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. 我来自广西壮族自治区。
- Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region was founded in 1958. 宁夏回族自治区成立于1958年。
- We adopted BDI model to realize autonomous agent. 建模方法我们采用BDI Agent建模方法,以实现自主Agent。
- Xunhua is China's only Salar autonomous county. 循化是中国唯一的撒拉族自治县。
- Autonomous - higher need for independence. 自主--喜欢独立。
- ICSID is an autonomous international organization. ICSID是一个自治国际组织。
- This of course was not an autonomous development of forest science. 这当然不是林业学的一种自主的发展。
- Theoretically the corporative bodies should be autonomous. 理论上这些法人团体应该是独立自主的。
- Huhhot is the capital of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. 呼和浩特是内蒙古自治区的首府。
- The former Soviet Union is formed of several autonomous republic. 前苏联是由数个自治共和国组成的。
- The Autonomous Region has built up its infrastructure from scratch. 基础设施从无到有,不断发展壮大。
- Mongols live in Mongolia autonomous region. They like wrestling. 蒙古族人居住在内蒙古自治区,喜欢摔跤。
- Just now, we have learned the autonomous regions and their customs. 过渡:刚才,我们我们已经了解了五个少数民族自治区及其风俗习惯。
- Develop a good learning style---- Autonomous writing style. 自主式写作。