Gap junction remodelling may be correlated with electrical remodelling and autonomic nerve activity. 缝隙连接重构与电重构和自主神经之间可能有密切关系。
One set of nerve cells projecting from the amygdala reaches evolutionarily ancient parts of the midbrain and brain stem. 其中一组神经细胞从杏仁体投射到中脑及脑干当中控制自主神经系统的部份,属于演化上古老的构造。
Deviation from this response pattern signifies either abnormal heart function or abnormal autonomic nervous control of the heart. 这样的反应作用所呈现的曲线代表心功能以及心脏自律神经控制出现不正常的现象。
Messages cascade from the amygdala to the rest of the limbic system and eventually reach the autonomic nervous system, which prepares the body for action. 从杏仁核流泻而下的讯息,会传到其馀的边缘系统,最终抵达自律神经系统,好让身体为行动预做准备。
Conclusion Xing- cheng mineral spring baths played a role in regulating the state of balance of autonomic nere. 结论兴城矿泉浴具有调整植物神经使其由不平衡状态转移为平衡状态的作用。
Anxiety can also be caused by autonomic nerve disorder, lead to the contraction caused by the middle when not caused by difficult labor. 焦虑还可引起植物神经紊乱,导到致产时宫缩无力造成难产。