- You mean the automatic teller machines? 你是指自动柜员机?
- Where is the automatic teller machine? 哪儿有提款机?
- Would you mind telling me how to use the automatic teller machine? 您介意告诉我怎么使用自动柜员机吗?
- PINs are most frequently used for automatic teller machines (ATMs). PIN最常用于自动柜员机(ATM)。
- Identification Number) to get cash from an ATM (Automatic Teller Machine). PIN(密码)在ATM(自动提款机)提取现金。
- An automatic teller system in which the teller console at each office window can be linked to the computer and the on-line central file. 一种自动的出纳系统,其中,每个营业室的每个窗口的出纳控制台均可以与计算机和联机中心文件相联。
- Automatic teller machines are widespread and most are connected to major banks around the world. 全港到处都设有自动柜员机,大部分均连接全球各地的主要银行。
- Much harder to fool, they are cropping up at self-checkout counters in stores and in automatic teller machines (ATMs) that accept cash as deposits. 不论是商店的自助结帐柜台,还是可存款的自动柜员机里,即使你没有注意到,其实都有验钞机的踪影。
- You could withdraw money on the Automatic Teller Machine or any banks with the bedge "UNIONPAY". 您可以在任何有银联标志的银行或自动取款机上取款。
- We use touch scree everywhere: tourist kiosks, automatic teller machines, point-of-sale terminals, industrial controls. 触控荧幕的应用非常广泛,例如游客导览系统、自动柜员机、销售点终端机、工业控制系统等。
- The company had become the third largest NCR automatic teller machine integrators in China, up two notches from the previous year. 公司成为了NCR自动柜员机在中国的第三大集成商,排名较去年攀升两位。
- Consumers are doing more business with banks through automatic teller machines and over the phone, methods that cost banks far less. 消费者更多的通过自动取款机和电话与银行打交道,这些方式大大降低了银行费用。
- Readers may be aware of the recently reported fraud cases involving the withdrawal of money from automatic teller machines ATMs. 读者可能都留意到最近报导有关自动柜员机提款的骗案。
- And this cash card allows you to withdraw money from Automatic Teller Machines, which we call ATMs, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. 有了这张卡,您就可以使用银行的自动取款机了。每周7天,每天24小时,任何时候您都可以使用。
- A roulette wheel pops onto the screen of automatic teller machines when customers of Ogaki Kyoritsu Bank Ltd. finish transferring funds. 为了提高服务质量、使顾客感到愉悦,日本大垣共立银行在自动提款机上安装了轮盘赌游戏。
- A roulette wheel po onto the screen of automatic teller machines when customers of Ogaki Kyoritsu Bank Ltd finish tra ferring funds. 近日,当顾客使用完大垣共立银行的自动取款机后,取款机的屏幕上会显示出一只赌场里赌博用的轮盘。
- The use of automatic tellers is particularly used in large cities. 在大城市里,还特别投入了自动出纳机。
- The Automatic Teller's Machine (ATM) facilitates human livelihood.It is also an easy way for a thief to draw money using a stolen fiscard or a bogus fiscard. 银行自动柜员机的设立,让我们可以很方便的提领现金,但同时也让歹徒能轻易的以伪造或窃取到的卡来盗领现金。
- Automatic tellers are particularly used in large cities. 在大城市里,还特别投入了自动出纳机。
- The cards do not sell financial information they have been implanted in a blank card and use the card at an automatic teller machine to steal tens of thousands of dollars. 而没有卖出的金融卡信息被他们植入空白卡中,并利用这些卡在自动提款机上盗取了数万美元。