- To turn on Automatic Updates, click Enabled in the list of options that appear at the top of the Setting tab. 要打开“自动更新”,请单击出现在“设置”选项卡顶部的选项列表中的“启用”。
- If you select Not Configured, the status of Automatic Updates is not specified at the Group Policy level. 如果您选择“未配置”,则自动更新状态将不会在组策略级别指定。
- Antivirus signature files currently are not included in the anti-spam Automatic Updates functionality. 反垃圾邮件自动更新功能目前不包括防病毒签名文件。
- Post scheduling: Allows authors to set a time and date for posts to appear, permitting automatic updates to your weblog. 预定发表功能:用户可以预先设定一个日期和时间,让之前写好的文章在此预定时间自动发布在网志上。
- Net Watcher automatically updates the window every 20 seconds. 网络“监视员”每隔 20 秒自动地更新窗口。
- The Automatic Updates client will search this service for updates that apply to the computers on your network. 这个自动更新客户端将搜寻更新服务并且应用到你网络上的计算机。
- Instead, Automatic Updates will notify the user to restart the computer to complete the installation. 而是自动更新将提示这个用户重新启动计算机完成这个安装。
- There is a new Automatic Updates feature that you can use to specify the schedule that Windows follows to install updates on your computer. 有一项新的“自动更新”功能,您可以使用它来指定供Windows在您的计算机上安装更新时遵循的计划。
- Equals the time to wait between the time Automatic Updates starts and the time it begins installations where the scheduled times have passed. 为自动更新从启动到开始执行那些错过计划时间的安装所等待的时间。
- Note To modify Automatic Updates settings, you must be logged on as an administrator or a member of the Administrators group. 注意:要修改“自动更新”设置,您必须以管理员或Administrators组成员的身份登录。
- It provides a WYSIWYG design editor, an advanced binary patching engine, support for automatic updates and one-click deployment to the Internet. 提供所见即所得设计编辑,先进二进制打包引擎,支持自动更新和一个单击的使用到互联网络。
- The Windows Update or Automatic Update database file. Windows Update或自动更新数据库文件。
- The new way to fight PC viruses is software that automatically updates itself. 一种可以自动升级的软件是对付电脑病毒的新方法。
- PS: please turn off the automatic update of this program. 西蒙兹:请关闭这一计划的自动更新。
- The Microsoft IP Reputation Service and spam signature data is only available with Microsoft Forefront Security for Exchange Server Anti-spam Automatic Updates. 只有Microsoft Forefront Security for Exchange Server反垃圾邮件自动更新才会提供Microsoft IP信誉服务和垃圾邮件签名数据。
- This policy specifies that Automatic Updates will wait for the computer to be restarted by any user who is logged on to complete a scheduled installation. 该策略指定自动更新将等待任何登录的用户重新启动计算机,以完成计划的安装。
- Added automatically updating challenge system. 增加了自动升级的挑战系统。
- This policy specifies the time that Automatic Updates has to wait after the computer starts, before it proceeds with a scheduled installation that was missed previously. 该策略指定启动计算机后,自动更新必须等待多长时间才能执行以前漏掉的计划安装。
- Specifies the amount of time for Automatic Updates to wait, following system startup, before proceeding with a scheduled installation that was missed previously. 指定适合自动更新等待的时间的数量,继系统开始之后,在继续错过以前的一次计划的安装之前。
- The automatic updates are activated by default, with the time interval set to 4 hours. This interval is short enough to provide high level of protection on all occasions. 预设时间是每隔4小时自动执行更新,这样的更新频率足够为您提供高效防护。