- Hybrid ARQ technology is the combination of FEC (forward error correction) and ARQ (automatic repeat request). 混合ARQ(HARQ)技术是前向纠错和检错重发方式的结合。
- This coding method is also suitable in the Automatic Repeat Request(ARQ) system. 这种码率可调的编码也适合于出错重发系统。
- Automatic repeat request (ARQ) schemes have been widely applied to many digital communication systems,especially,computer communication networks. 自动请求重传(ARQ)方法已经在许多数字通信系统特别是通信网中获得了广泛的应用。
- Bluetooth provides two techniques to handle link level transmission errors: Automatic Repeat reQuest (ARQ) and Forward Error Correction (FEC). 蓝牙提供了两种技术用来处理链路层的传输错误 :自动请求重发和前向纠错方案 .
- So far there are two kinds of technique used for error control: FEC (Forward Error Correction) and ARQ (Automatic Repeat Request). 迄今为止,有两种主要的差错控制机制:前向纠错编码(FEC,Forward Error Correction)和自动重传请求(ARQ,Automatic Repeat Request)。
- In 4G communication system, Automatic Repeat reQuest(ARQ) technology is necessary to support multiple mobile terminal to communicating in shared wireless channel. 在4G 高速无线通信中,自动请求重传(ARQ)技术是无线通信中数据链路层所不可缺少的。
- Abstract A multiple-rate modulation scheme based on the automatic repeat request (ARQ) protocol is proposed to achieve Shannon capacity in space-time block coding (STBC) systems. 摘要 为了在空时分组编码(STBC)系统实现香农容量,提出了基于自动重传请求(ARQ)的多速率调制方案。
- In fading and shadowing channels,error control techniques are used for the reliable transmission. As a combination of forward error correction and automatic repeat request(ARQ),Hybrid ARQ(HARQ) protocol provides both of the advantages. 为了保证数据在无线衰落信道条件下的可靠传输,产生了联合前向纠错编码(FEC)与自动请求重传(ARQ)的混合ARQ(HARQ)技术。
- This paper probes into the application of Turbo coding principle to ARQ(Automatic Repeat Request). Based on the principle, the authors present some new hybrid Turbo coding and ARQ schemes for data communications system. 探讨了 Turbo码在混合自动重复请求 (ARQ)通信系统中应用 ,并基于 Turbo码提出了一些新的混合 ARQ通信系统方案。
- In the high rate wireless communication system,automatic repeat request(ARQ)technology is indispensable in link layer,which shields the packet loss of the wireless channel from the upper level. 在高速无线通信中,自动请求重传(ARQ)是链路层不可缺少的技术,它通过重传向上层屏蔽无线链路上包的丢失。
- Based on the strong correlation between the ARQ (automatic repeat request) acknowledgements (ACK/NAK) and the forward channel quality, a novel scheduling scheme is proposed for 1xEV-DV forward packet data traffic. 利用自动重传请求(ARQ)的应答(ACK/NAK)和前向信道质量高度相关这个特点;针对1xEV-DV的前向分组数据业务提出了一种新的调度方法.
- In this thesis, we conduct an overall research on the MAC layer of IEEE 802.16e protocol, especially focus on ARQ (Automatic Repeat reQuest), FFB (Fast FeedBack) and MBS (Multicast and Broadcast Service). 本文主要是对IEEE 802.;16e协议的MAC层进行了整体的研究;特别是对自动请求重传(ARQ;Automatic Repeat reQuest)、快速反馈(FFB;Fast FeedBack)和多播广播服务(MBS;Multicast and Broadcast Service)部分进行了专题的深入剖析;
- In this paper, an adaptive link-level Automatic Repeat reQuest (ARQ) algorithm was proposed for wireless media streaming, in the hope that the media could be played on receivers with high quality. 提出了一种用于无线实时流媒体传输的自适应链路层ARQ控制策略,用以提高接收方的播放质量。
- In addition, automatic repeat request (ARQ) can be incorporated when a damaged codeword is beyond the capability of the FEC.The combined scheme of FEC and ARQ is called hybrid ARQ (HARQ). 对于资料传输而言,在杂讯严重与频宽有限的无线衰减通道中传输,因此通道编码在传输系统已成为不可或缺的应用。
- HARQ Hybrid Automatic Repeat Request 混合自动请求重传
- continuous automatic repeat request 连续型自动请求重发
- Hybrid Automatic Repeat reQuest ( HARQ ) HARQ
- Hybrid Automatic Repeat reQuest(ARQ) 混合ARQ
- Automatic Repeat reQuest ( ARQ ) 自动重发请求
- Automatic Repeat request(ARQ) protocol 自动请求重传协议