- Serial Asynchronous Automatic Dialing and Control 串行异步自动拨号和控制
- Automatic dialing recorded message player - 自动拨号录音信息播放器-
- automatic dialing up unit ( ADU ) 自动拨号装置
- Communicator can automatically dial and log in to an internet account when you use this profile. 当您使用此简要表时,通信器可以自动拨号并注册到某个Internet帐号。
- Communicator will automatically dial and log in this account when you use this profile. 当您使用此简要表时,通信器可以自动拨号并注册到这个帐号。
- If you are working offline and use a modem to connect to your ISP, click to select the "Automatically dial when checking for new messages" check box. 如果您脱机工作并使用调制解调器连接到您的ISP,请单击以选中“当检查新邮件时自动拨号”复选框。
- Automatic Dial Switching Network 自动拨号交换网
- When the refrigerator failured, the alarmer could automatically dial the beep-pager's number immediately every 5 minutes until the staff came to dispose the failure. 制冷系统发生故障后 ,该报警器可立即自动拨打值班人员的传呼 ,每 5min 1次 ,直至值班人员前来处理为止。
- Toyama prefectural police on Tuesday started operating the system which keeps automatically dialing cell phones of the wire frauds issuing warnings to make them substantially unavailable. 六日,富山县警察开始运营向汇款欺诈的手机自动地继续打电话并发出警告以便使其实际上不能利用。
- Multiple-channel mobile communication system with automatic dialing 多信道自动拨号移动通信系统
- The former look for incorrectly configured network services on well-known ports,while the latter automatically dial a range of phone numbers,seeking backdoors throngh corporate modems. 当后者自动拨入一段电话号码时,寻找秘密的集群公共调制解调器,这种模式在公共端口寻找不正确的网络通信设置。
- A 4-speed automatic transmission is optional. 四段自动变速器是可自由选择的。
- He plans to import an automatic bobbin loader.. 他计划进囗一架自动装线机。
- We get an automatic increase in pay every year. 我们的薪金每年会自动增长。
- Automatic dial alarm appliance based on family telephone wires 基于家庭电话线的自动拨号报警器
- Automatic modification of the index register. 自动修改变址寄存器内容。
- Or a cell phone that knows you just got some great news and automatically dials your best friend's number? 当你工作或玩乐时,电脑将提供帮助或只是一个的友善的伙伴。
- A volley of automatic rifle fire could be heard. 一阵自动步枪的扫射声传了过来。
- A fine for this offence is automatic. 对于这种过失,罚款是必然的。