- automated office environment 自动化办公环境
- Regular disinfection office environment, storage, Storage cleaned regularly. 定期消毒办公室环境、仓库,贮藏室定期清理。
- Infantilizing employees by looking over their shoulders at every move often makes for a belligerent,tense office environment. 不要把雇员当小孩,监视他们的一举一动,那样会造成一种敌对的、紧张的办公气氛。
- Word Processing Software such as WORD,WPS etc. is widely used in The office environment to prepare letters and memos. 字处理软件(如WORD、WPS)广泛用于办公系统以用来书写信函及备忘录。
- Apart from that experience, she had never been exposed to an office environment. 除了该次经验外,她从未接触过办公室的工作环境。
- In the age of digitalization and networking, the office environment has changed a lot. 由于数字化和网络的发展,现有的办公环境正发生日新月异的变化。
- Thereby accelerating the trend towards a paper-less office environment and E-knowledge economy. 因此,它加速了向无纸办公环境和电子知识经济的迈进。
- Experience of working in a busy office environment and strong interpersonal skills. 有在繁忙的工作环境下工作的经验和要有很强的交际能力和技巧。
- In being adapted to a modern office environment, DPC 1255 can also supply flexible net connections. 为适应现代化的办公环境,DPC 1255还提供了多种灵活的网络连接方式。
- Word Processing Software such as WORD, WPS etc. is widely used in The office environment to prepare letters and memos. 字处理软件(如word、wps)广泛用于办公系统以用来书写信函及备忘录。
- automated office information system 自动化办公信息系统
- Free charge of CAD in providing your future office environment through 3D modles. 未来办公环境的咨询及形象建议。
- "Workers should not hold back from trying to improve their office environment," Mr Sallabank said. 萨拉班克先生说,“员工不应在试图改善办公环境这个问题上畏首畏尾。”
- When you introduce children into the home office environment, your productivity and patience can be seriously tested. 当你引入子女进入家庭办公环境;你可以认真生产率和耐心的考验.
- The bounded area is typically either a business office environment or a residential environment. 此封闭地区是典型地或一种商业办公室环境或一种有关居住的环境。
- Heavenly Kings with the solemn coincides with office environment with the seriousness. 天王的庄严同办公环境的严肃与安静不谋而合。
- The bright, wide, neat office environment, It's help to Increase the staff's working fervency. 明亮、宽敞、整洁的办公环境,有助于提高员工的工作热情。
- Procedures are the main building blocks of macros, which you can record to extend or automate Office documents and programs. 过程是宏的主要构建块;通过录制宏,您可以扩展Office文档和程序或者使它们自动化。
- One of the greatest sources of clutter in just about any office environment is unfiled paperwork. 在几乎所有的办公环境中,一个最大的凌乱来源就是没写完的文件。
- Whether intentional or not, the Turtle office environment fostered a tribelike atmosphere. 不管是有意的,还是无意的,海龟的办公室搞的像宗族一样。