- Influences of dead zone of sensor upon auto leveling control system for paver 找平传感器的死区对摊铺机自动找平性能的影响
- Auto leveling control aystem 自动找平控制系统
- RF Radio Frequency Level Controller. RF系列射频导纳式物位控制器。
- Adjustable float for optimum water level control. 通过调节浮球能保持最佳水位。
- Auto level, "Jacquet" rotation of the overall pattern of relative uncertainty. 中高级车市“雅凯”轮流坐庄的整体格局相对明朗。
- The safety facility is perfect by equipped examine apparatus for abnormal examination, liquid temperature monitoring, liquid level control, and auto extinguishing equipment. 设有加工异常检视装置,液温监视,液面控制,自动灭火设备,安全设施周全。
- You can use Automatic Level Control only if Monitor is set to Off. 如果监听器设定为“关闭”,则只能使用自动电平控制。
- This paper,taking the auto leveling system of modern asphalt paver as an example,describes the system monitoring and fault diagnosing function. 以沥青混合料摊铺机自动调平系统为例,介绍了系统状态监测与故障自诊断功能。
- Constant temperature water heated device, constant water level control system. 恒温水加热装配、恒水位保持系统。
- Each talk key has individual listen level control and LCD level indication. 每个通话按键都有独立的收听电平控制和LCD电平指示。
- CSS supports gives pixel level control on the look and feel of these sites. CSS支持针对这些网站的外观提供像素级别的控制。
- The use of advanced water level control device, automatic water system. 利用先进的液位控制装置,自动控制供水系统。
- At the output of the active gain circuits is the master level control. 在有源增益电路的输出端是主音量控制。
- The control system has two level control system and two communication network. 整个控制系统由二级控制系统和二层通讯网络构成。
- Issues of carding cloth,dust and noil absorption system,blow carding auto leveler,carding process between cylinder and flats of a carding machine are discussed. 文章就梳棉机针布、吸尘吸落棉系统、清梳联自调匀整器、梳棉机锡林与盖板的分流过程等方面问题进行了全面分析探讨。
- In very dark night scenes or in very white snow background scenes Auto Levels does not work properly and the correction must be made manually using histogram adjustments. 在非常黑暗的夜景,或在非常白雪的背景场面,自动色阶不能正常工作和必须予以改正手动使用直方图调整。
- It is a feature to apply the IMAC to the mould molten steel level control. IMAC的引入使结晶器液位控制独具特色。
- Set up the level control system to ensure that the machines work properly. 超声波清洗机设置液位控制系统,确保机器正常工作。
- Auto Levels should not be used. 自动色阶工具不允许使用。
- Proper consideration of both items will help the customer determine suitable sump pit dimensions and level control elevations. 正确考虑这两个问题将有助于用户确定适当的污水坑直径和水位控制高度。