- If you can't find Apple Hardware Test, take your computer to an Apple Authorized Service Provider. 如果您找不到Apple Hardware Test,请将您的电脑带到Apple授权的服务提供商处。
- authorized service provider 授权服务提供者
- Could not open service provider registry key. 无法打开服务提供程序的注册项。
- What is an Internet Service Provider (ISP)? 什么是Internet服务提供商(ISP)?
- The APN string depends on the service provider. APN字符串取决于服务提供者。
- ARINC is the only service provider for HF datalink. ARINC是高频数据链的唯一通信提供商。
- VASP? Value Added Service Provider? 增值服务提供商?
- The call couldn't be placed due to not being correctly authorized with the service provider. 因为服务提供商没有正确授权,不能打电话。
- Has your wireless service provider activated your account? 您的无线服务业者已启动您的帐户吗?
- The authorization service is unknown. 未知的授权服务。
- We use a third party e-mail service provider to send emails. 我们使用第三方电子邮件服务提供商发送电子邮件。
- Class using the specified service provider and base component. 使用指定的服务提供程序和基组件初始化。
- Click here to get more information about this service provider. 单击此处获取该服务提供商的详细信息。
- What is a Web Host? What is an Internet Service Provider? 什么是虚拟主机?什么是英特网服务提供商?
- Solution: Contact the nearest Skyray office or its authorized service center and change the high voltage. 解决方法:及时与就近的Skyray办事处或授权服务中心联系,更换高压。
- If you've signed up for a fax service provider, skip to step 5. 如果已注册了传真服务提供商,则请跳到步骤5。
- Use only an A/C adaptor recommended or supplied by an authorized service center or dealer. 最好是找一个公认的会组装的人或是给一个经过授权的维修中心或商人去试用。
- Universal Modem Service Provider needs to be installed only once. 通用的调制解调器服务提供程序只需要安装一次。
- You set up online faxing by signing up with a fax service provider. 您通过在传真服务提供商处注册来设置联机传真。