- Macquarie Island and Davis Station is located at the centre and the edge of auroral oval respectively. 麦阔里岛和戴维斯站分别位于极光带中心和极光带极向边缘区内.
- The auroral oval rotates clockwise (relative to the earth) around the magnetic pole as the time of day progresses. 强的地磁暴能引起地球磁场大的扰动,并使极光卵形带向中纬扩展。
- Aurora Ovals are elliptical zones which produced by Aurora, the centered by polars magnetic in Arctic and Antarctica. 极光卵是极光粒子沉降以磁极为中心在地球南北极地区形成的椭圆带状区域。
- The playing field is a large oval. 球场很大,呈椭圆形。
- Comets move around the sun like planets, but in long oval course. 彗星象行星一样绕太阳运转,然而其轨道呈狭长的椭圆形。
- auroral oval 极光椭圆区,卵形极光
- A painting or an engraving set in an oval or circular frame. 圆形浮雕镶嵌于椭圆形或圆形框架中之绘画或雕刻
- Enclosed in an oval, horny case. Used of an insect pupa. 壳内的封闭在椭圆形角质壳内的。用于一虫蛹
- The path of the earth around the sun is oval. 地球围绕太阳公转的轨道是椭圆形的。
- Today these particles lead to auroral displays. 如今粒子导致极光出现。
- The aurora flushed into the sky. 曙光映红天空。
- She has an unusually attractive oval face and green eyes set slightly on the slant. 她有着一张非常迷人的瓜子脸和一对眼梢儿有点斜的绿眼睛。
- Some of them are square, and some maybe oval. 有些是方形的,还有些可能是椭圆形的,
- Ground to the aurora in the center of the earth. 根植到地球中心的极光之中。
- He hair framed her face in. a gentle oval. 她的头发把她的脸蛋勾勒成椭圆形。
- The aurora spins now counter-clockwise. 极光现在逆时针旋转。
- Their faces were elongated and oval. 他们的脸容拉长,并且是椭圆形。
- Have commonly white, reseda, auroral etc. 一般有白色、浅绿色、玫瑰色等。
- Her hair framed her face in a gentle oval. 她的头发把她的脸蛋勾勒出一个优美的椭圆形。
- What is the grid reference for the oval? 椭圆形的网格是什么?