- Having the ability or tendency to augment. 有增加或扩大作用的具有增加的能力或趋势的
- This is a room with good ventilation. 这是个通风良好的房间。
- augmented ventilation 加强通气
- The impact of the report is augmented by its timing. 由于发表的时间选得好,这篇报导的影响更大了。
- Something added in order to augment weight or size or fill space. 装填物为了增加重量或尺寸或填满空余而加进去的物质
- The staff has been slightly augmented. 人员略有增补。
- His salary is augmented by a small inheritance. 一小笔遗产增加了他的收入。
- His small salary is augmented by a commission. 佣金补充了他的微薄的薪水。
- The king’s power has augmented. 国王的权力扩大了。
- They hit upon another idea to augment their income. 他们又想出一个增加收入的办法。
- The ventilation is poor, the lieutenant admits. 中尉承认,通风设备很糟糕。
- Continuing rains augmented the flood waters. 持续的雨水加大了洪水水量
- Workers should be allowed full ventilation of all their difficulties. 工人们应被允许公开讨论他们所有的困难。
- And feel my flames augmented manifold? 让我有热度成倍增加的感觉!
- They altered the house to improve its ventilation. 他们把房子改装一下使它更通气。
- The condition of being augmented. 增加率被增大的状态
- Regeneration production of ventilation fan. 换气扇的换代产品。
- He augmented his income by writing short stories. 他借写短篇小说而增加其收入。
- Open the window for some ventilation. 打开窗子好通风。
- Well ventilation, away from corrosive gas. 通风良好,不带有腐蚀性气体。