- I was called as an expert witness. 我被作为专家证人传唤。
- These professionals are also called upon to analyze business transactions and serve as expert witnesses during litigation. 这些专家也被召集去分析经济交易和在诉讼中充当专家证人。
- An expert witness was summoned to court. 一位专家证人被传唤到法院。
- He has trained law enforcement agencies and has testified as an expert witness in casino cheating cases. 他在赌博娱乐场欺诈的事例训练了执法机构和作证作为一个专家证人。
- His case is not help by the evidence of the expert witness. 专家证人的证据没有给该案帮上忙。
- I'm as expert as a palsy victim doing brain surgery with a pipe wrench. 我就像拿着管钳做着脑部手术的名医 一样得心应手
- I have also been an expert witness at a tragic accident when a belay failed. 我也一直是确保失败这种悲惨意外发生时的作证专家。
- Few writers are as expertly equipped for this task. 数作家无所不谈,有能力实现这一任务。
- The bomb blew up as experts tried to defuse it. 专家们试图拆除引信时炸弹爆炸了。
- The corroboratory department and the expert witness shall submit a written conclusion of corroboration and sign or seal the corroboration bill. 鉴定部门和鉴定人应当提出书面鉴定结论,在鉴定书上签名或者盖章。
- Any expert witness who intentionally makes a false evaluation shall assume legal responsibility therefrom. 鉴定人故意作虚假鉴定的,应当承担法律责任。
- This model employs the outlier's net profit of the special commodity as expert grade to build expert-object matrix. 该方案用门店特定商品的纯利润作为专家评分,构造专家 目标矩阵。
- Pitch yourself as expert in those areas, and don't worry about downplaying or leaving out the rest. 告诉他们你是在那些方面的专家,这样你就用不着担心他们对你不予重视或者不 予考虑了。
- The expert witness testimony presented in the Kitzmiller trial was devastating for intelligent design's scientific pretensions. 专家证人在基斯米勒一案中的证词,对智慧设计的科学伪装有致命打击。
- It owns a QC team with 6-Sigma, CNBA registered auditor and IRCA chief auditor as the core, and a quality assurance system with 25 control points. 拥有一支由六西格玛、CNBA注册审核员、英国IRCA主任审核员为核心的品管团队,25道控制点的品质保障体系。
- Langer, one of those protesting, tells the WSJ. (He has sered as an expert witness for Wyeth, maker of hormone replacements. 并且在这个项目的一些研究人员也说,最初的对27000名妇女的临床研究的报告并不精确,如果科学人员再去重新衡量的话,就会发现差别。
- The big guns for the prosecution were its expert witnesses. 这些被举报的要人是重要的证人
- As a general matter, the courts ought to be at least as expert as the agencies in interpreting constitutional and statutory requirements, and they are comparatively disinterested. 作为一般事实,法院在解释宪法要求和法定要求方面至少应该和行政机关一样富有经验,且两者都是比较公正无私的。
- At the background of the adversary system, expert witness system emphasizes that the adversaries participate in the procedure and play an important role in the lawsuit. 专家证人制度以当事人主义诉讼模式为背景,强调当事人在诉讼中的作用以及对程序的参与性,当事人可以自行聘请专家证人参加诉讼,专家证言需经双方当事人及法官询问后方可被采信。
- If the party has demurrer to the qualification of the expert witness, like the professional knowledge, education background, he can inquire the expert witness in court. 当事人对出庭的专业人员是否具备相应专业知识、学历、资历等专业资格等有异议的,可以进行询问。