- Chu Kin Wang, Peleus (Chairman of the Audit Committee), Mr. 生 (审核委员会主席)、潘伟先生及刘焕彬先生。委员 namely; Mr.
- The independent director shall act as the convener in the auditing committee. 审计委员会应当由独立董事担任召集人。
- At least one independent director from the audit committee shall be an accounting professional. 审计委员会中至少应有一名独立董事是会计专业人士。
- The decision of the Audition Committee is final. 本隣选委员会有最终取录决定权。
- The Audit Committee is provided with sufficient resources to discharge its duties. 审核委员会获得充足资源以履行其职责。
- Group B noted that the Audit Committee had been established in the current year and had met twice since. B集团注意到,审计委员会在今年成立,并已举行两次会议。
- Dr. Neal is also a director of our new company, where he serves as chair of the audit committee. 尼尔博士也是我们新公司的主管,就任审计委员会。
- The relationship between the Audit Committee and the External Auditor had not been given due consideration. 审计委员会和外聘审计员之间的关系也未得到适当考虑。
- This was also true for the terms of reference of the Audit Committee and the Internal Audit Charter. 审计委员会的职责范围和《内部审计章程》也同样如此。
- Garrett currently serves on the board of directors of Borland Software and is the chair of the audit committee. 目前,Garrett在Borland Software董事会任职并任审计委员会主席。
- The audit report of the pilot was presented to the WIPO Audit Committee at its July 2007 meeting. 领航员的审计报告已提交给WIPO审计委员会2007年7月的会议。
- It also believed that the Audit Committee should be represented at the WIPO Assemblies. 它还认为,审计委员会应派代表出席WIPO成员国大会。
- Additionally, the Audit Committee will consider incentives and pressures on management which could lead to the perpetration of fraud. 此外,审计委员会还将考虑管理层是否存在可能发生欺诈行为的动机和压力。
- The registered public accounting firm shall report directly to the audit committee. 备案登记的注册会计师事务所应当直接向审计委员会报告。
- This understanding should be codified in the charters of the internal audit activity and audit committee. 这种理解应该在内部审计部门和审计委员会各自的章程中得到规定。
- "They're getting access to the board and audit committee and more attention from the CEO and CFO," Linder adds. “他们可以进入董事会以及查帐委员会,得到CEO和CFO更多的重视。”
- Therefore, although it did have a role to play in what regards auditing, the Audit Committee could not take on functions that were, by nature, part of the PBC's responsibility. 因此,虽然审计委员会确实可在审计方面发挥作用,但它不能接管性质上属于PBC部分责任的职能。
- To this end, it welcomed the establishment of the WIPO Audit Committee whose membership included two African states, Nigeria and Togo. 为此,它欢迎成立WIPO审计委员会,指出其成员包括尼日利亚和多哥两个非洲国家。
- Group B encouraged the nine members of the Audit Committee to continue their work and to actively seek dialogue with Member States. B集团鼓励审计委员会的九名成员继续工作,积极寻求与成员国对话。