- The audit account has a sequence number of 1. 审核帐户的序列号为1。
- Oversee Income Audit, Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable sections. 管理收入审计,应付账款及应收账款。
- Is it necessary for a dormant company to prepare audited accounts before completing the return? 不活动公司是否须在填报税表前先备妥经审核帐目?
- But he nevertheless insisted on seeing Rothschild's first-half audited accounts before signing the deal. 但他在签署协议前,仍坚持要看该银行上半年经审计的账目。
- Many firms, including state companies up for privatisation, are only now starting to keep proper, audited accounts. 包括准备实行私有化的国有企业在内的许多公司,其帐目审计都只是刚开始走上正轨。
- The Board of Trustees shall, in each year, prepare and produce to the Council its audited accounts in such form and at such times as the Council may determine. 书院校董会每年须编制及向大学校董会呈交经审核之帐目,其格式及呈交时间均由大学校董会决定。
- Audited Accounts including Balance Sheet and Income and Expenditure Statement of the organisation for the past 3 years, if available, are submitted with the application. 现时备有/未有已审计的帐目(包括机构过去3年的资产负债表和收入及开支结算表),这些帐目已/未有连同申请书提交。
- The following example associates the profile AdventureWorks Administrator with the account Audit Account. 以下示例将配置文件AdventureWorks Administrator与帐户Audit Account关联。
- The following example shows removing the account Audit Account from the profile AdventureWorks Administrator. 以下示例显示了如何从配置文件AdventureWorks Administrator中删除帐户Audit Account。
- One that audits accounts. 审计者审计帐务的人
- ST Salt Lake as the shareholders of Kunlun Securities and audit accounting bodies and, therefore, be involved. ST盐湖作为昆仑证券的股东及审计的会计机构,因此也被牵涉其中。
- The specific content and procedure of auditing accounts are detailed in Appendix 4 to the Contract. 具体的查帐内容和程序详见本合同附件四。
- An officer who audits accounts and supervises the financial affairs of a corporation or of a governmental body. 审计官为企业或政府机构审查帐务并监督经济事务的官员
- The book has not yet been audited. 这些帐册还未被审计。
- As the Communist party was very strict about auditing accounts, bank inspectors came once a year to check up on buried treasure. 共产党查账可严啦,银行检查员每年要查看一次埋藏的财宝。
- Audit Accounts for Project Settlement 怎样做好工程竣工结算审核工作
- Do not part with the shares on any account. 无论如何不要放弃这些股票。
- stockholders' right to audit accounts 股东查账权
- Don't juggle with your accounts. 不要在你的帐目上搞鬼。
- She gave the true account of what had happened. 她如实地讲述了发生的事情。